HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ IEEE Student Branch - College of Engineering - KSU Getting started with Power System Blockset By Prof. Hossam Talaat
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ What is Power System Blockset? PSB is a modern design tool allowing the dynamic simulation of electric circuits and power systems. PSB is a modern design tool allowing the dynamic simulation of electric circuits and power systems. It operates in the Simulink environment. It operates in the Simulink environment. The model in PSB follows the rules of electric circuits: 2 elements in series means same current, 2 elements in parallel means same voltage. The model in PSB follows the rules of electric circuits: 2 elements in series means same current, 2 elements in parallel means same voltage. Interfacing with Simulink models needs converting blocks. Interfacing with Simulink models needs converting blocks.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Capabilities of PSB It simulates DC, AC and 3-phase circuits (transient and steady state). It simulates DC, AC and 3-phase circuits (transient and steady state). It simulates power systems having different complexities (from radial to multi-machine system). It simulates power systems having different complexities (from radial to multi-machine system). It simulates the following elements: synchronous machines (various models), transformers, transmission lines, loads, breakers, buses,.. It simulates the following elements: synchronous machines (various models), transformers, transmission lines, loads, breakers, buses,..
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ How to Simulate a PSB System Phase I: Create a model of the system to be simulated using PSB and Simulink’s model editor, blocks library and click and drag mouse operations. Phase I: Create a model of the system to be simulated using PSB and Simulink’s model editor, blocks library and click and drag mouse operations. Phase II: Use Simulink’s ODE solvers to simulate the behavior of the system for a specified time span. Phase II: Use Simulink’s ODE solvers to simulate the behavior of the system for a specified time span.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Phase I: Creating a model To open PSB library enter “powerlib” at the MATLAB toolbar. To open PSB library enter “powerlib” at the MATLAB toolbar. Open a new model from “file” then “new” then “model”. Open a new model from “file” then “new” then “model”. To introduce blocks in your model, choose the block from the library, click on it and drag it in your model. To introduce blocks in your model, choose the block from the library, click on it and drag it in your model. Interconnect the output of a block to the input of the required block by a line using mouse. Interconnect the output of a block to the input of the required block by a line using mouse. Double-click each block to set its parameters. Double-click each block to set its parameters.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ PSB block libraries The Electrical Sources library contains blocks that generate electric signals. The Electrical Sources library contains blocks that generate electric signals. The Elements library contains linear and nonlinear network elements. The Elements library contains linear and nonlinear network elements. The Power Electronics library contains power electronics devices. The Power Electronics library contains power electronics devices. The Machines library contains machinery models. The Machines library contains machinery models. The Connectors library contains blocks that can be used to interconnect blocks in various situations. The Connectors library contains blocks that can be used to interconnect blocks in various situations.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ PSB block libraries (cont.) The Measurements library contains blocks for the current and voltage measurements. The Measurements library contains blocks for the current and voltage measurements. The Extras library contains three-phase blocks and specialized measurements and control blocks. The Extras library contains three-phase blocks and specialized measurements and control blocks. The Demos library contains useful demos and case studies. The Demos library contains useful demos and case studies. The Powergui block that opens a graphical user interface for the steady-state analysis of electrical circuits. The Powergui block that opens a graphical user interface for the steady-state analysis of electrical circuits. The Discrete System block that is used to discretize your electrical models. The Discrete System block that is used to discretize your electrical models.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Interfacing PSB with Simulink Voltage measurement block converts the measured voltage into Simulink signal. Voltage measurement block converts the measured voltage into Simulink signal. Current measurement block converts the measured current into Simulink signal. Current measurement block converts the measured current into Simulink signal. In the “Controlled Voltage Source block” the voltage is controlled by a Simulink signal. In the “Controlled Voltage Source block” the voltage is controlled by a Simulink signal.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Electrical Sources Library Blocks AC Current Source: Implement a sinusoidal current source AC Current Source: Implement a sinusoidal current source AC Voltage Source: Implement a sinusoidal voltage source AC Voltage Source: Implement a sinusoidal voltage source Controlled Current Source: Implement a controlled current source Controlled Current Source: Implement a controlled current source Controlled Voltage Source: Implement a controlled voltage source Controlled Voltage Source: Implement a controlled voltage source DC Voltage Source: Implement a DC voltage source DC Voltage Source: Implement a DC voltage source
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Elements Library Blocks Breaker: Implement a circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing Breaker: Implement a circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing Distributed Parameter Line: Implement a N- phases distributed parameter line model with lumped losses Distributed Parameter Line: Implement a N- phases distributed parameter line model with lumped losses Linear Transformer: Implement a two- or three- windings linear transformer Linear Transformer: Implement a two- or three- windings linear transformer Mutual Inductance: Implement a magnetic coupling between two or three windings Mutual Inductance: Implement a magnetic coupling between two or three windings Parallel RLC Branch: Implement a parallel RLC branch Parallel RLC Branch: Implement a parallel RLC branch Parallel RLC Load: Implement a linear parallel RLC load Parallel RLC Load: Implement a linear parallel RLC load
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Elements Library Blocks (cont.) PI Section Line: Implement a single phase transmission line with lumped parameters PI Section Line: Implement a single phase transmission line with lumped parameters Saturable Transformer: Implement a two- or three-windings Saturable Transformer Saturable Transformer: Implement a two- or three-windings Saturable Transformer Series RLC Branch: Implement a series RLC branch Series RLC Branch: Implement a series RLC branch Series RLC Load: Implement a linear series RLC load Series RLC Load: Implement a linear series RLC load Surge Arrester: Implement a metal-oxide surge arrester Surge Arrester: Implement a metal-oxide surge arrester Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings) Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings) Three-Phase Transformer (Three Windings) Three-Phase Transformer (Three Windings)
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Asynchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase asynchronous machine (induction machine) Asynchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase asynchronous machine (induction machine) DC Machine: Model a separately excited DC machine. DC Machine: Model a separately excited DC machine. Excitation System: Provide an excitation system for the synchronous machine and regulate its terminal voltage in generating mode Excitation System: Provide an excitation system for the synchronous machine and regulate its terminal voltage in generating mode Hydraulic Turbine and Governor: Model a hydraulic turbine and a PID governor system Hydraulic Turbine and Governor: Model a hydraulic turbine and a PID governor system Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine with sinusoidal flux distribution Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine with sinusoidal flux distribution Simplified Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a simplified three-phase synchronous machine Simplified Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a simplified three-phase synchronous machine Steam Turbine and Governor: Implements a steam turbine and governor system Steam Turbine and Governor: Implements a steam turbine and governor system Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase salient-pole synchronous machine Synchronous Machine: Model the dynamics of a three-phase salient-pole synchronous machine
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 1: Step response of RC Circuit Procedure Run the circuit using different values of R and C. Run the circuit using different values of R and C. Run the circuit using different values of R and C. Run the circuit using different values of R and C. Change switching instants of C.B. Change switching instants of C.B. Change switching instants of C.B. Change switching instants of C.B. Use multimeter instead of separate voltmeters and ammeters. Use multimeter instead of separate voltmeters and ammeters. Use multimeter instead of separate voltmeters and ammeters. Use multimeter instead of separate voltmeters and ammeters.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 1-a
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 1-b
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ New Blocks in Circuit 1 BlockGroupDescription DC Voltage Source Breaker Series RLC Branch Voltage measure. Multimeter Electrical Sources ElementsElements Measure ments Measure Ideal DC voltage source Circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing Can be pure R (L=0 & C=inf), pure L (R=0 & C=inf), or pure C (R=0 & L=0) Producing a Simulink signal proportional to the voltage. Measure V’s and I’s Specified in PSB blocks
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 2: AC Current source Description Use 2 parallel current sources with different frequencies. Use 2 parallel current sources with different frequencies. Use bus to connect the two incoming lines. Use bus to connect the two incoming lines. Use current measurement block to measure total current. Use current measurement block to measure total current. Use the Multimeter to measure three currents Use the Multimeter to measure three currents
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 2
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 3: Parallel RLC Circuit Description Use AC voltage source. Use AC voltage source. Use Neutral. Use Neutral. Use three RLC series branches to be capable to measure the current in each element (Ir, Il & Ic). Use three RLC series branches to be capable to measure the current in each element (Ir, Il & Ic).
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 3
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 4: Single Pulse Rectifier Description To investigate the waveforms of Currents and voltages at different elements of the half wave rectifier circuit. To investigate the waveforms of Currents and voltages at different elements of the half wave rectifier circuit. The demo program “psbdiode” is used The demo program “psbdiode” is used
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 4
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 5: Distributed parameters Line Procedure To demonstrate the effect of travelling waves on a line modelded by its distributed parameters model To demonstrate the effect of travelling waves on a line modelded by its distributed parameters model The demo program “psbdistline” is used. The demo program “psbdistline” is used.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 6: Simple 3-phase System The system is composed of a simplified 3-ph synchronous generator connected to 2 3-ph loads one of them can be switched ON or OFF according to operation. The system is composed of a simplified 3-ph synchronous generator connected to 2 3-ph loads one of them can be switched ON or OFF according to operation. Use the SSM block to measure different variables of the machine. Use the SSM block to measure different variables of the machine. It is a demo program called “psbloadshed” for load shedding test. It is a demo program called “psbloadshed” for load shedding test.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 6
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 7: 3-phase Synchronous machine The system represents a 3-ph synchronous generator connected to infinite bus. The system represents a 3-ph synchronous generator connected to infinite bus. The infinite bus is simulated by 3 voltage sources. The infinite bus is simulated by 3 voltage sources. It is a demo program called “syncmachine”. It is a demo program called “syncmachine”.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 7
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 8: Series Compensated Line The system is composed of a 300 km line partitioned into two sections (each 150 km). The system is composed of a 300 km line partitioned into two sections (each 150 km). There is a series capacitor in the mid between the two sections. There is a series capacitor in the mid between the two sections. The line connects two systems: 735 kV system and 315 kV system through a transformer. The line connects two systems: 735 kV system and 315 kV system through a transformer.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 8
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 9: Circuit Breaker To demonstrate the operation of circuit breaker especially the opening process at zero crossing. To demonstrate the operation of circuit breaker especially the opening process at zero crossing. It is a demo program “psbbreaker”. It is a demo program “psbbreaker”.
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ Circuit 9
HossamTalaat - MATLAB Course - KSU - 19/09/ End of tutorial