BROOM: A Matrix Language Chris Tobin Michael Weiss Gabe Glaser Brian Pellegrini
Broom Overview and Summary A high-level language for manipulating matrices Many useful built in matrix operations. Ability to define and build more complicated functions for specialized analysis of information
Motivation Matrices are universal mathematical constructs Learning curve is not as steep Specialized use, without extraneous things to understand other than what you need it for. No need for expensive software
Goals Intuitive syntax High level Very portable Flexible Useful and informative error checking
Broom Syntax Intuitive for ( ) … endfor Freeform whitespace inserted at will Smooth built-in matrix operation syntax A = inv(B); // finds the inverse of B Features: Control flow constructs: for, while, if Nested logical operators and expressions A wide range of built-in functions
Built-in Functions Many useful built-in function calls: det colswap, rowswap inv gauss appendUD, appendLR setCol, setRow Too numerous to list…22 total
Semantics Broom features: Function definitions Allow for modularity, power, and reusable code. Variable definitions Two intuitive mathematical types Number Matrix Scoping rules: local – for functions global – accessible by all All functions call-by-value for simplicity
Compiler Components and Composition There are 5 main components of BCC, the Broom translator Lexer Parser Static Semantics Checker W/Symbol Tables Contains Matrix manipulation code and functions Code Generator
ANTLR The Lexer and Parser were implemented using ANTLR. ANTLR’s AST class was used to create the Abstract Syntax Tree and Nodes. The Static Semantics Checker was implemented as a TreeWalker of the ANTLR AST and maintained Symbol Tables for the various scopes. Symbol Tables were written as a simple Java class Code Generator was also implemented as a TreeWalker of ANTLR AST. Accumulates a “program string” as it walks the AST and prints string to file upon finishing traversal
Block Diagram of Compiler
Example of Generated Code MyProgram.broom:MyProgram global Matrix myMatrix; myMatrix = [1,2; 3,4;]; 3,4;]; //function definitions here... start() Number value; value = det( myMatrix * [1,3; 7,8;]); 7,8;]); //print the value you got value.print(); //print the global Matrix myMatrix.print();endstart public class MyProgram { BroomMatrix myMatrix; public MyProgram() { float[][] _temp0 = {{(float) 1, (float) 2}, {(float) 3, (float) 4}}; myMatrix = new BroomMatrix( _temp0); } public void start() { float value; float[][] _temp1 = {{(float) 1, (float) 3}, {(float) 7, (float) 8}}; value = BroomMatrix.det(BroomMatrix.multiply(m yMatrix, new BroomMatrix( _temp1))); BroomMatrix.printVariable(value);BroomMatrix.printVariable(myMatrix);} public static void main(String[] args) {MyProgram myProgram = new MyProgram(); myProgram.start();}}
Output of The Simple Program $ javac $ java MyProgram
Error Checking Two main types of errors Semantic Errors Invalid use of logical ops Invalid type assignments Use of reserved words as variable names, etc. Run-Time Errors Reference to non-existent index Use of improperly formatted matrix. * Note: If “de ja vu” is experienced something in your matrix may have been changed.
Example Test Program wrongNumColls // Test for number of columns errors // Author Brian Pellegrini // This is supposed to make sure that error checking for //assignment of matrix values is supposed to fail // MUA HAHAHHAHAHHAH global Matrix A,B; A= [1, 0, 1; 0, 1;]; B= [0, 1; 1, 0, 2;]; start() print ("If this printed checker didn't work"); endstart
Example Test Results BroomProgram did not compile; the following errors were detected: * Error in *global declaration* : invalid matrix specification. Expected a row with 3 elements, but got 2 Expected a row with 3 elements, but got 2 Error in *global declaration* : invalid matrix specification. Expected a row with 2 elements, but got 3 Expected a row with 2 elements, but got 3 BROOM compiler found all the errors! During testing one has to be careful that errors being tested are the only ones present in the program Inadvertent bugs can cause lots of lost time spend debugging “ghost bugs”
Lessons Learned Leave no stone unturned Need to test every possible error user might encounter Need to test both errors in user’s code, and errors in generated JAVA code Exhaustive testing pays off in the end Have someone else try it! Have a friend write a program, they might find errors that the testing team simply overlooked.