CVEN489 Special Topics in Mixing and Transport in the Environment Description of course Introduction to flow and mass transport in environmental flows. Topics include molecular and turbulent diffusion; river, lake and estuary mixing; dissolution boundary layers; atmospheric transport; and, an introduction to environmental quality computer modeling. Spring Credit Hours Team taught by Drs. Scott Socolofsky and Kuang-An Chang
a sewage outfall plume in coastal waters The plume is intruding into a narrow layer. At the time the picture was taken, the mean current field was moving the plume off-shore.
tracer-study plume conducted at the mouth of a river entering into an estuary One can clearly see the fine-scale structure of the plume interacting with ambient turbulence and the slow nature of lateral spreading.
tracer study is conducted in a river flow direction Although vertical mixing of the tracer is achieved very quickly (rule of thumb is 10 river depths downstream), complete lateral mixing takes much longer.
tracer study is conducted in a river (continued) The curve in the river strongly enhances the lateral mixing of the plume.
waste outfall from a chemical plant The photograph clearly shows the slow lateral growth of the plume. Such strong plumes that are clearly visible are no longer allowed due to today's stricter discharge regulations.
joining of three different rivers The one on the left, with very high particulate concentration, joins with the two rivers on the right. The larger of the two rivers carries a higher particulate load, thus the darkest (cleanest) smallest river is also visible. Notice how sharp the boundaries are separating the various river flows.