California Healthy Kids Survey Southwest Middle School Andrew Anderson Suzanna Kim Tracy Shelton
California Healthy Kids Survey Southwest Middle School (SOM) Sweetwater High School District Survey ModuleSOM Final #District Final # A. Core B. Resiliency C. AOD Use & Safety D. Tobacco E. Mental & Physical Health F. Sexual Behavior
CHKS Survey Demographics of Participants AgeGender
CHKS Survey Ethnicity of Participants SOM District
Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Module A Module C Module D
ATOD Education in School Past 12 months ATOD Education Refusal Skills Training
Peer Disapproval of Using Alcohol
Peer Disapproval of Using Marijuana
Peer Disapproval of Using Tobacco
Suggested Interventions – ATOD Project ALERT Two-year universal program for middle schools Designed to reduce onset and regular use of alcohol and drugs among students Focuses on alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and inhalants Core Curriculum of 11 lessons taught once a week during first year Three “booster” lessons delivered the following year
Sexual Behavior Module A Module F
Agreement: For Some Teens, Having a Baby is a Good Decision
% of Topics Discussed with Parents/Adult/Family, Past 6 Months
Safer Choices Designed for grades 9-12 but can be adapted Reduces # of students engaging in unprotected sex Encourages students to delay onset of sexual intercourse Promotes use of condoms and protection Includes a peer-leader training program Suggested Interventions - Sexual Behavior
Violence, Safety, & Health Module A Module C Module E
Weapons Possession - Past 30 days
Perception of Peer Disapproval of Weapon Possession
Current Gang Involvement
Suggested Interventions – Gangs G.R.E.A.T. – Gang Resistance Education and Training 13 session skills-based curriculum Taught by law enforcement officers Objectives: prevent delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership Uses facilitative teaching, positive behavior rehearsal, cooperative and interactive learning techniques, and extended teacher activities. Students report significantly less drug use, total delinquency across all offense types, and minor offenses
Weight Perceived WeightBody Mass Index
Weight Control Desired Action on Weight Actions Taken to Control Weight
Suggested Interventions – Health Planet Health Interdisciplinary curriculum focused on improving health of middle school students Objectives: increase physical activity, decrease TV- viewing time, and improve eating habits Provides lessons in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education Effective in preventing “disordered weight-control behaviors” (self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives or diet pills for weight control) and decreasing obesity in girls (insignificant effect on boys) Reduced TV-viewing time in boys and girls
References Gang Resistance Education and Training. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2007, from Planet Health. (n.d.) Retrieved October 20, 2007 from Project ALERT. (n.d.) Retrieved October 20, 2007 from Safer Choices. (1998). Retrieved October 21, 2007, from SAMHSA Model Programs. (n.d.). Project Venture. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from WestEd. (2006). California Healthy Kids Survey Technical Report. Fall 2006 Report: Southwest Middle. WestEd. (2006). California Healthy Kids Survey Technical Report. Fall 2006 Report: Sweetwater Union High School District.