Erasmus Thematic Network Sanne Hirs, Project coordinator Faculty of Law, Utrecht University
2 Socrates Programme The European Community action programme in the field of education –Comenius –Erasmus –Grundtvig –Lingua –Minerva
3 Erasmus Programme To enhance quality and reinforce the European dimension of higher education
4 Erasmus Thematic Network A cooperation between departments of higher education institutions –Quality –European dimension Outcomes with impact Three years
5 Activities Curriculum innovation Identification of needs and weaknesses Identification of quality criteria and quality assessment methods Innovation of teaching methods and materials Development of joint programmes and courses
6 Athena
7 Working from a core curriculum to a core European degree Strengthening the Link Between Education and Research, Including the Development of Joint European Training at Phd Level
8 Athena Bridging the gap between Women and Gender Studies in the academia and women’s organisations, formation and training for women in the field
A New Thematic Network?
10 Criteria Countries: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Turkey
11 Criteria Institutional support Quality / innovation / relevance Impact / combine expertise Representation Equality between men and women Disabled persons Fight against racism and xenophobia
12 Priorities Closer cooperation Specified cooperation
13 Coordination and Management One coordinating university –Application –Reporting –Finances
14 Management Objective General design Management arrangement for the project Monitoring and Evaluation Disseminating good quality results
15 Dissemination Dissemination (and exploitation) of final results and outcomes of proven quality Financial support
16 Financial support Three years 75% Co-funding Additional support
17 Financial support Staff costs Travel and subsistence costs Equipment and documentation Overheads
18 Preparatory visits Definition of aims / objectives / methodology Define partner roles, responsibilities and tasks Development of work-plan and budget Evaluation and dissemination procedures Completion of application
19 Reporting and Evaluation Interim and final reports Internal and external evaluation
20 Application Two-phase selection: –1 November 2005 –1 March 2006 –1 October 2006