Tetherless World Constellation Jim Hendler
W orld Fellowship, is a former member of the US Air Force Science Advisory Board, and is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is also the former Chief Scientist of the Information Systems Office at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), was awarded a US Air Force Exceptional Civilian Service Medal in 2002, and is a member of the World Wide Web Consortium's Semantic Web Coordination Group. He is the Editor in Chief of IEEE Intelligent Systems and is on the Board of Reviewing Editors for Science. Who we are Jim Hendler is a Professor at the University of Maryland and the Director of the Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery at the University of Maryland. He has joint appointments in the Department of Computer Science, the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and is an affiliate of the Institute for Systems Research. He has authored about 200 technical papers in the areas of artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, agent-based computing and high performance processing. One of the inventors of the “Semantic Web,” Hendler was the recipient of a 1995 Fulbright Foundation rpi
W orld particularly for scientific applications. Deborah is a leader in ontology-based tools and applications. She also consulted to help VerticalNet design and build its Ontobuilder/Ontoserver ontology evolution environment. She also provided technical leadership for the Stanford project to help Cisco systems form its ontology evolution plan for its meta data formation work. Who we are Dr. Deborah McGuinness is the acting director and senior research scientist at the Knowledge Systems, (KSL) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University. She is a leading expert in knowledge representation and reasoning languages and systems and has worked in ontology creation and evolution environments for over 20 years. Most recently, Deborah is best known for her leadership role in semantic web research, and for her work on explanation, trust, and applications of semantic web technology,
W orld
Semantic Web Key "next generation" evolution of the Web Languages at maturity RDF, RDFS, OWL all W3C recommendations SPARQL in CR Support growing Major vendors playing (Adobe, Oracle, …) Startups in Web 3.0 space (Metaweb, RadarNetworks, …) Lots of open source tools
W orld Data harvesting & visualization Richer metadata Embedded meta-data Enterprise data integration "Corporate Semantic Web", Gartner "hot pick" for 2006
W orld Digital asset management Semantic Web portals Ontology editors (and other tools) Semantic Web and social networking
W orld Significant Corporate Activity Semantic (Web) technology companies starting & growing Siderean, SandPiper, SiberLogic, Ontology Works, Intellidimension, Intellisophic, TopQuadrant, Data Grid, … Web 3.0 new buzzword: Metaweb, RadarNetworks, … Bigger players buying in Adobe, Cisco, HP, IBM, Nokia, Oracle, Sun, Vodaphone… announcements/use in Gartner identifies Corporate Semantic Web as one of three "High impact" Web technologies tools being announced: AllegroGraph, Altova, TopBraid, … Government projects in and across agencies US, UK, EU, Japan, Korea, … Life sciences/pharma an increasingly important market Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group at W3C Many open source tools available Kowari, RDFLib, Jena, Sesame, Protégé, SWOOP, Onto(xxx), Wilbur, … University should not be "competing" for low hanging fruit - so what comes next?
W orld Moving Beyond Semantic Web The Web has been transformational Largest human information construct A "science" that takes the Web as a primary area of interest Understand what it is Engineer its future Semantic Web is an example Ensure its social benefit This requires a new interdisciplinary effort Computer Science Cognitive Science Social/Policy issues
W orld Web Evolution
W orld A "Systems" Science The Web is so complex it needs its own Systems Science Inspiration from new formal models Understanding of "Scaling" How does the "miracle" happen
W orld New Engineering The Web needs new engineering standards, methods and tools Access to data globally Decentralization for resilience Radical decentralization made the Web work How do we make that happen in new and emerging areas
W orld New Social Models The Web is essentially social And getting moreso Facebook,myspace Youtube, flickr The Web has huge impact on society Information access and use Privacy issues Information flow control (think DHS) CS
W orld Example: Policy Aware Web (NSF ITR; Hendler, Berners-Lee, Weitzner; 2005) Potentially disruptive social technology Build, but also understand early…
W orld What we need to understand The features that make the web work The threats of fragmentation The macro from the micro How to incorporate semantics How to exploit statistics How to build services How to instill trust, resilience and dependability
W orld Constellation Goal The pervasive, mobile and ubiquitous Web, requires: Aka "Tetherless" Understanding the Web as a network at all scales From protocol to social network levels Non-browser access issues (above the IP level) Policy Aware Computing End to end semantic accountability New methods for Privacy protection Security needs Intellectual property rights (and wrongs) Be a n Center