Fall 2010 Hello, I’m here to talk with you about our department and related safety efforts on and off campus. If you have questions after this session, you can contact us at the phone number or web address listed in this presentation. Fall 2010
Education Environment Enforcement The Three E’s The safety of each member of the UA community involves an emphasis on “Three Es”. . . Education Environment Enforcement The University of Alabama takes a comprehensive approach to safety, employing a three-pronged approach of: Education - We provide a wide variety of safety-related education programs for students, faculty and staff members. Environment – We work diligently to provide a safe, secure environment that is conducive to academic success. Enforcement – We address issues that threaten the safety of the University community by exercising our police authority. Additionally, we invest significant resources in a variety of activities and initiatives designed to increase the security of our community members and to increase our students’ ability to make responsible decisions that enhance their well-being. Creating this positive environment on our campus and the surrounding business and residential neighborhoods takes a team approach involving all University community members.
About University Police The University of Alabama Police Department is a full service police department that is proactive toward personal safety and the protection of property. We are the University of Alabama Police Department. We are law enforcement officers at the state level and have primary police jurisdiction over any property that is owned or lease by the University of Alabama. We take a very proactive approach towards personal safety and protection of property. A large percentage of all reported crime on campus is the theft of unattended property and this includes other spin-off type crimes like someone fraudulently using a credit card after you lose it or it is stolen from you.
Theft Prevention On-Line bicycle registration available this fall through the UA Rec Center. Operation ID provided by the UA Police Department and COP program. Lock doors and windows, use lockers when available, and use a sturdy lock for bicycles. Theft of Unattended Property is a large percentage of reported crime on the UA campus as well as most Colleges and Universities. To prevent theft, use these suggestions and make sure to always lock your dorm rooms and vehicles. Teach your student to start keeping track of the items they will constantly have with them around campus such as backpacks, cell phones Action Cards, keys and iPods.
About University Police UAPD is comprised of 65 authorized sworn positions and 13 support positions. All police officers are certified by the State of Alabama and have full arrest powers. Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Currently, we have 65 authorized sworn positions and our officers have full arrest powers. We are on duty 24/7, even when the University is closed for the holidays. This is our uniform.
About University Police UAPD is accredited through the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc (CALEA), one of only 5 police agencies in the State and one of 48 college or university police agencies in the nation that are accredited. We are one of only six nationally accredited agencies in Alabama. Other accredited departments in Alabama are Birmingham, Huntsville and Mobile city police departments. We are one of only 44 university/college police departments in the entire country who have achieved accreditation through a rigorous set of evaluation standards. In 2008, we were designated a Flagship department; the example for other departments to pattern after.
Emergency Phones on Campus Grounds Blue Emergency Phones on Campus Grounds We have over 100 blue phones on campus; The ‘Walk on the Bright Side’ map is available campus-wide and shows the locations. Phones can be located on poles, mounted on walls, and our newest style is the tower that is located at most bus stops. 100 Phones
Emergency Notifications UA Alerts UA Public Address System UA Website UA Emails UAPD Patrol Division UA Transportation System WVUA Radio / TV EMA Siren NOAA Weather Radios For more information regarding the UA Alert System or other emergencies, refer to the UA Emergency Preparedness website: beready.ua.edu The University of Alabama has many venues of emergency notification for the UA community; more information regarding emergency situations and notification can be found on the UA Public Safety website and going to the Emergency Preparedness link.
Increase your Safety Skills Prior to a new student coming to UA in the fall, we are requesting that all incoming freshmen take a safety course called ‘Safe@UA’. It is a comprehensive review of some of the most important safety information that will affect the everyday living of new members of the University community. Available at police.ua.edu
Contact Information: Contact us at: (205) 348-5454 or visit us online at www.police.ua.edu You can reach us at the phone number or website listed here. We invite you to visit our website anytime you are in need of police department information or resources associated with law enforcement.