Important Work for Today Definition of HXT data archive Definition of WBS data archive Assign responsibilities and agree SCHEDULE Discuss new or improved interface/access tools Consensus on top-level content of Legacy book and how to proceed with creating it ???
Action Items 1.Send presentations to McKenzie for Galileo website. (All) 2.Regenerate FEM files with perfect orbital models. (Slater) 3.Announce Galileo Proj. in SolarNews and request comment. (Acton) 4.Early completion of ATT database review and update, write report for Legacy book. (LMSAL) 5.Jack Harvey slides to Greg and Len. (Acton) 6.Talk to ISSI about publishing the Legacy book. (Culhane) 7.Decide on Legacy publication mechanism. (Editors) 8.Provide meeting digital notes to all participants. (Acton) 9.Format for HTML version of flare catalog. (Foley) 10.Design format and content of FITS headers. (Freeland - all groups) 11.Design of final Yohkoh homepage. (McKenzie) 12.Edit YAG. (Slater) 13.Work with Freeland to put pointing in HXT FITS files. (Masuda) 14.Define file naming convention and interval grouping. (Freeland, Bentley) {Prefer orbit division for files.} 15.PFI PSF deconvolution code (Hara) 16.Investigate “lost flux” factor from WSMR calibration. (Hudson) 17.Provide Hara san with relevant examples of WSMR calibration data. (Acton) 18.Organize report of this meeting. (Acton)
Yohkoh Data Products Level 0 Existing reformatted Yohkoh data base. Level 1 FITS format with TBD header info. (No additional operational or calibration-type data base required to use these data products for science.) Level 2 Products such as: SXT composite images, movies, catalogs, full-disk spectral irradiance, etc. E.g., Sato flare catalog Gburek micro-flare catalog Freeland limb-flare catalog BCS mission long light curves S XV spectrogram per orbit
Level 1 Access Software 1.IDL based, accessing FITS files 2.BCS 1.Line fitting 2.Wavelength scale setter for arbitrary latitude.
Level 1 data products 1.Leave in naturally acquired temporal resolution 2.BCS {Culhane} 1.Modification of mk_bsc, linearize wavelength scale. 2.Wavelength scale set by fitting S XV, use sun-center default if no S XV peak. Perhaps improve for flares. Put latitude of assumed source in header. 3.3 channels only, not Fe XXVI 4.Deadtime correction, notch correction and gain(?) correction 5.Warning in header when profiles unreliable because of count rate 6.Pipeline processing 7.Mission long light curve as a level 2 product. 3.HXT (no background subtraction) {Kosugi, Masuda} 1.Data equivalent to HDA data but in FITS format. 2.Time profiles of 4 energy channels. 4.WBS {Watanabe} 1.Data equivalent to WDA data but in FITS format.
Level 2 Data Products 1.Yohkoh Catalogs 1.Sato flare catalog {Sato} 1.List 2.SXT-HXT overlay (.png) 3.HXT flare images (FITS) 4.Flare time profiles (.png) 2.SXT {Acton} 1.Gburek micro-flare catalog 2.Freeland limb-flare catalog 3.BCS {Foley} 1.Mission long light curves 2.S XV & Ca XIX spectrogram per orbit 3.Fe XXVI selected spectra (~20 events) 4.HXT {Kosugi, Masuda, Sato} 1.Sato flare catalog (header gives preferred background selection) 2.Flare movie (level 2+, preference to GRS flares) 5.WBS {Watanabe} 1.Gamma flare catalog 1.One spectra per event (possibly also HXS and SXS) 2.Light curves (possibly also HXS and SXS) 2.RBM light curves incl. S/C location in header {Freeland}
Documentation 1.BCS 1.Yohkoh archive User’s Guide Chapter. 2.BCS chapter for the Legacy Book 3.BCS end-to-end calibration report 2.Yohkoh 1.Digitize Morrison reformatter and file-structure definition document 2.Japanese language blue book (ISAS decision) 3.SXT 1.Yohkoh Archive User’s Guide Chapter 2.Chapter for the Legacy Book 3.Relevant design and calibration notes 4.Selected show_pix documents 5.Relevant EICA sections 4.HXT 1.Yohkoh archive User’s Guide Chapter 2.Chapter for the Legacy Book 3.Relevant design and calibration notes 5.WBS 1.Yohkoh archive User’s Guide Chapter 2.Chapter for the Legacy Book 3.Relevant design and calibration notes
Final Documentation 1.Existing documents, e.g., 1.Pre-launch papers in Solar Physics 2.Yohkoh Analysis Guide 3. SXT Experiment Interface Agreement 4.Others (?) 2.Yohkoh Archive User’s Guide (who?, when?) Deals primarily with use of Level 1 & 2 data 3.HTML-based tools for access and analysis (what?, who?, when?) 4.The Yohkoh Legacy book.