Co-operative ITS APEC GNSS Implementation Team Geoff McDonald Transport and Main Roads
Current Problem
Road safety 1,600 people die on Australian roads each year (7.86 per 100,000). annual economic cost of road crashes in Australia at $18 billion in (ATC 2006) The Australian National Road Safety Strategy aims to achieve a reduction in the fatality rate of 40%, from 9.3 per population in 1999 to no more than 5.6 in 2010 (56 per million).
Road deaths in Australia: 1965 to 2005
Thinking Cars What would you rather do – be well protected in a crash or never crash at all?
In Vehicle Systems
Local Dynamic Map Real time and dynamic DATABASE To represent maps, road geometry and other static information, together with the positions and attributes of the neighbouring local VANET nodes enables the cooperative applications to gather ALL information needed about the surroundings around the vehicle map
Layer 1
Landmarks for referencing Tree Map from provider +Layer 2
Mapping EMAP: enhanced map with accurate description of road geometry Map Update: connection to a map server
Landmarks for referencing Tree Temporary regional info ! Accident Fog Congestion Map from provider +Layer 3
Landmarks for referencing Tree Com. nodes, fusion result Temporary regional info ! Accident Fog Congestion Ego Vehicle Ego Vehicle Road side unit Road side unit Vehicles Local Dynamic Map: Objects logically organized in layers with respect to their dynamics Map from provider LOCAL DYNAMIC MAP + final dynamic layer 4
Positioning Sensors fusion: GPS, WLAN, accelero, gyro, IMU, can bus, topo, odo EGNOS signal integrity paving the way to Galileo system Map matching: providing a fused position on a map along with confidence on the location Lane level positioning through combined e-mapmap matching
Functional overview from CVIS
Safety applicationHorizontal position accuracy (95%) Update Rate (Hz) V2I or V2V Road levelStop Sign Assistant-warning5-10m1 Hz-- Curve speed assistant-warning5-10m1 Hz- Location-based Hazard- warning5-10m1 HzI2V Lane-level Absolute Stop Sign Assistant-control0.3-1m10HzV2I Traffic signal0.3-1m10HzV2I Intersection Collision Warning0.3-1m10HzV2I Curve speed assistant-control0.3-1m10HzV2I Lane departure warning<0.3m>10HzV2I Lane-level Relative Blind spot warning<0.5m10 HzV2V Emergency Electronic Brake Lights<0.5m10HzV2V Cooperative Collision Warning<0.5m10 HzV2V Forward collision warning<0.5m>10HzV2V
CVIS Subsystem overview
Thank You
CAM & DENM Cooperative Awareness Message –100 ms Decentralized Environmental Notification Message –When required (triggered by an event)
CAM Profile: basicVehicle mandatory vehicleType, vehicleSpeed, vehicleSpeedConfidence, heading, headingConfidence, stationLength, stationWidth, yawRate, yawRateConfidence, longAcceleration, posConfidenceEllipse, exteriorLights, accelerationControl
DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages (DENMs) are mainly used by the Cooperative Road Hazard Warning (RHW) The general processing procedure of a RHW is: –Upon detection of an event that corresponds to a RHW use case, the ITS station immediately broadcasts a DENM to other ITS stations located inside a geographical area and which are concerned by the event. –The transmission of a DENM is repeated with a certain frequency. –This DENM broadcasting persists as long as the event is present.
DENM Triggering condition Hard breaking of a vehicle e-Call triggering Traffic jam detection Detection of a vehicle violating a signal Detection of a turning collision risk by a roadside ITS station Detection of a slippery road condition (ESP activation) Detection of a low visibility condition (activation of some lights or antifog)
Local Dynamic Map layers Static Maps Landmarks (fixed objects in the road, e.g. trees, buildings, road signs) Temporary Objects (e.g. fog area, road works) Dynamic Objects
Sangubashi Trial
Sangubashi Results
Car to car communication for safety applications
ITS Stations as prerequisite for Co-operative Systems