1 Student Success Program Ministry of Education November 2004
2 Government Priorities Success by age 12 - Grade 6 – 75% of students reading and writing at provincial level A good outcome for every student – Student Success Program – Learning to 18 Lowering the drop out rate Increasing the graduation rate
3 Secondary School Reform - Background Students “at risk” not new issue. 1980s-1999, secondary organized into Basic, General and Advanced, with Ontario Academic Credits for university-bound Royal Commission on Learning, 1994, found university-bound well-served, but others (majority of students) had “unclear paths and a lack of purpose”.
4 Secondary School Reform - Background Royal Commission noted drop out rates for students studying at: – basic level: 65%, – general level: 58% – advanced level: 10% Recommended 4 year program, which was developed
5 Secondary School Reform - Background New 4-year program implemented for students entering Grade 9 in 1999 Grades 9 and 10 applied & academic courses Grades 11 and 12 destination-related: university, college, university-college and workplace preparation Provincial high school literacy test introduced Policies to support career education, school-work transitions and cooperative education
6 Context for Focus on Students at Risk At-Risk Working Group (educators, parent, community reps) established to advise on students at risk in Grades Reported January 2003.
7 Students Considered At Risk (At-Risk Working Group Report, 2003) Elementary students performing at level 1, or below grade expectations Secondary students who would have studied at the modified basic or basic level in the previous curriculum Secondary students earning marks in low 50s and 60s and who do not have the foundation to be successful in the new curriculum Disengaged students with poor attendance
8 Student Success Strategy – Key Elements Expert advice from sector-led committees – Expert Panels on Literacy (report Oct. 2003)& Numeracy (report June 2004) – Program Pathways Work Group (report Oct. 2003) $50 million in to boards to implement – Effective literacy and numeracy preparation – Increase graduation rates – Relevant program pathways for all students, including those who go directly to work from high school
9 Support for school boards $51 M ongoing funding for student success – To build capacity – training, program models, learning resources – Not special education focus or lower PTR Includes $10 M for designated leader in each board – Coordinates board plan & strategy, champions Expert Panels & Program Pathways reports basis for board expenditures& annual plans
10 Board plans Leaders and board staff develop annual plans Plans include: – Literacy & numeracy supports and programs for Gr students – Measures to ensure students are able to participate in school-work programs – Learning plans for teachers and administrators Ministry reviews plans to ensure congruency with program goals Boards report on progress, indicators of success
11 Program Pathway – definition Combination of courses and supports that make up student’s education program AND underlying purpose that motivates students to a particular destination. School-work transition programs prepare students for employment on leaving school. Complete school and entry-level work requirements, develop skills, work experience.
12 Student Destinations In , the Royal Commission on Learning reported that: 30% of grade 9 students left without a diploma; 21% graduated and went to work; 19% graduated and went directly to college; and 26% graduated and went directly to university. Estimates for grade 9 students who entered reorganized secondary school program in (from Alan King – Phase 3, Double Cohort Study): 26%-30% will leave without a diploma; 20% will graduate and go directly to work; 20% will graduate and go directly to college; 28-33% will graduate and go directly to university.
13 How Students are Doing High failure rates in some grade 9 and 10 courses a principal reason why students will not complete their high school diplomas, According to Alan King Phase 3, Double Cohort Study. Up to 30% of students entering Grade 9 in at risk of leaving without diploma. Up to 1/3 of school leavers will eventually earn high school diploma through adult education program.
14 Building Pathways to Success – Report of Program Pathways Group Key Messages Need to “re-culture” attitudes within schools and communities toward student success, so that success is not only defined as going to university. All students need viable, credible program pathways clearly aligned with their strengths and learning styles, life goals.
15 Building Pathways to Success – Report of Program Pathways Group Recommends: Innovative program pathway models (selection and sequence of courses over the 4 years of high school) Collecting/analyzing data to determine student needs Communication tools for parents, students, teachers about program choices. Tools, guidelines for boards to use when reviewing or establishing school-work transition programs.
16 Supporting Student Pathways Pathways to Employability Pilot Project to develop school-work transition planning tools School/College/Work initiative supports innovative approaches to creating clear pathways to college Passport to Prosperity – employer recruitment to create more co-op and school-work opportunities Ontario Skills Passport to document essential workplace skills
17 Recent Initiatives for September 2004 Six locally developed compulsory credit courses (3 new). Two new courses: Grade 10, & Gr.12. Focus on Essential Skills, work habits, and create more opportunities for students to get co-op placements. Draft profiles on EDU website. Expanded criteria for Ontario Scholar to recognize student achievement in workplace preparation courses (In effect for ).
18 Recent Initiatives for September 2004 Curriculum Revisions to Grade 9 & 10 applied math to facilitate better transition Review of Teacher Adviser Program $3.5 M pilot projects over next 4 years to bring together community resources to help youth remain in school $20 M for Technological Education Renewal Initiative to acquire up-too-date equipment for secondary school
19 Student Success Expansion $19 M to expand activities of Student Success Program announced June 8 Developing Learning to 18 Strategy with in- school and approved out-of school opportunities Early School Leavers Research Project – Sick Children’s Research Team
20 Future of P2P Well positioned with the government’s goals Focus on results achieved – How do we know P2P makes a difference More short term work experiences are needed Continue to build and enhance collaborative relationships with all partners – Get to know Student Success Leaders
21 Student Success Expansion O:\cae\ssppb presentations\br presentation LDAO Sept 2004.ppt