A Definition · A Data Warehouse: Is a repository for collecting, standardizing, and summarizing snapshots of transactional data contained in an organization’s operations or production systems provides a historical perspective of information is most often, but not exclusively, used for decision support applications and business information queries can be more than one database Is not a new concept
Another Definition · Decision Support: is a set of tools to easily access data is becoming a critical business tool is usually graphically oriented is empowering end users with tools to access vital business information is moving lots of data down to the end user workstation is a rapidly expanding area because of data warehousing efforts and projects
Why a warehouse? · For analysis and decision support, end users require access to data captured and stored in an organization’s operational or production systems · This data is stored in multiple formats, on multiple platforms, in multiple data structures, with multiple names, and probably created using different business rules
Why do we want a central data store
Interesting Statistics · 85% of the Fortune 1000 companies have, are implementing, or are looking at, data warehouses (Meta Group) · 90% of all information processing organizations will be pursuing a data warehouse strategy in the next three years (Meta Group) · The Decision Support industry will be a $1 Billion industry by 1997 (IDC & Forrester)
Data Warehouse Evolution - Stage 0 No end user access to production files “What we print” is “what you get”
Data Warehouse Evolution - Stage 1 End users denied direct access to production files Snapshots or copies of production files are made available instead Solution: Provide end users access to production systems
No Integration Between Systems
Data Warehouse Evolution - Stage 2
Data Characteristics TypeProductionWarehouse · Data UseOperationalMgt Reporting · Level of detailDetailedSummary · CurrencyReal time, Multiple Latest valuegenerations · LongevityRelatively briefForever · StabilityDynamicStatic · Scope of definitionApplication wideEnterprise wide · Data OperationsCapture/updateRead only · Data valuesCodedDecoded
Transforming the Logical Model
Key Differences - Part 1 · Key differences between “data jails” (operational database) & warehouses Subject orientation - operational systems are application- segmented (i.e. banks = auto loan, demand deposit accounting or mortgages). Subject areas for banks would be customer and each financial product Level of integration - warehouses resolve years of application inconsistency in encoding/decoding, data name rationalization, etc Update volatility - record at a time updates in operational database vs bulk loads in data warehouse Time variance norms include: days of transactions for operational system, 1-10 years for data warehouses
Key Differences - Part 2 CharacteristicOperationalWarehouse Transaction volumeHighLow to huge Response timeVery fastReasonable UpdatingHigh volumeVery Low Time PeriodCurrent PeriodPast to Future ScopeInternalExternal ActivitiesFocused, clericalExploratory, operationalanalytical, managerial QueriesPredictable, Can be Unpredictable, periodicAd hoc
Types of Warehouse Configurations · Enterprise · Division · Functional Financial Personnel Engineering/Product · Departmental · Special Project
What’s Really Involved?
Typical Users of a Data Warehouse · Decision Support Analysts, Business Analysts Marketing, Actuaries, Financial, Sales, Executive · Grocery Store attitudes Going to the store, not knowing what they want Close proximity says give me “everything” · Explorers Don’t know what they want Search on a random basis, non-repetitively Frequently finds nothing, but when they do, there are huge rewards · Farmers Know what they want Non random searches, finds frequent “flakes of gold” Finds small amounts of data
Advanced Warehouse Topics · Metadata repositories Information about the data in the warehouse Like a library card catalog Data about when the information was created, what files accessed, how much data Data about changes in business rules, processes Context versus Content “What does it mean?” · Data Mining Drilling down into databases with tools to find specific anomolies · Online Analysis Processing (OLAP) Really means summary data