pragmatics the study of the way in which language is used to express what some really means in particular situation especially when the actual words used may appear to mean something different
Pragmatics in Advertisement Implication Brand: 植物的優 - 打分數篇 Slogan: 不要再給我打分數 Meaning: In the advertisement, the model said “ 不要再給我打分數.” It’s the implication, that obvious to know many people are judging her and talked about her. She hopes that can just give over.
Pragmatics in Advertisement Situational Context Brand: 甜蜜約定 2sweet meaning: The speaker said 1 加 1 等於多少 ? The hearer said 1 加 1 等於 2.but the speaker said no1 加 1 等於 2sweet.because today is Valentine's Day.In this situation,the speaker want to give the necklace to hearer. It’s kind of situational context.
Pragmatics in Advertisement Situational context 中國人壽 A 小姐 要不要是我新買的口紅 B 我要用很多ㄟ … 不只要分紅 還習慣分你多一點 Big red
Pragmatics in Advertisement Situational Context Brand: ADSL 台灣固網 Content meaning: In their conversation, the kid indicated to the company of 台灣固網 and said 你以為我看不懂英文嗎 ? It’s clear to show his father that place is there. Besides, the kid also said 我也不是那麼愛嘮叨的,ok? It means that he ask his father better quickly to settle the ADSL system. It’s a kind of situational context.
Pragmatics in Advertisement Situational Context Brand 舒適牌刮鬍刀 Content meaning In this conversation, the officer talked to the man, 要刮別人鬍子先 把自己刮乾淨. It mean, he should take care himself and than he can control the other man very well.
Pragmatics in Advertisement Implication Brand 肯德基 Content meaning the commercial use the political peson to describe the hamburger is more delicious just like our president 阿扁 is good in his job.
Overstatement Definition: The words are more than truth or make something seem larger, better, or worse than it really was. Knowing a language also permit combing sentences to express complex thoughts and idea, these larger linguistic units called discourse.