1 The Power of Habit
2 Paraphrasing And the degree to which this is true no one probably can appreciate as well as one who is a veteran soldier himself. Only the veteran soldier can best understand the truth of the duke ’ s statement to a very high degree.
3 Paraphrasing … as to most of the possibilities of his conduct. … so far as his possible patterns of behavior are concerned.
4 Paraphrasing Most domestic beasts seem machines almost pure and simple, … Most domestic animals are mere machines.
5 Paraphrasing As if too much bewildered by his new responsibilities, so that he was without difficulty secured. As if too much puzzled by the things he had to face or manage in the new environment, so that he was easily confined again.
6 Paraphrasing You see the little lines of cleavage running through the character, …… The traits of one ’ s character were engraved like the natural splitting lines in wood or stone.
7 Paraphrasing It is well for the world that in most of us by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again. The character has become solid and hard like cement, and will never change again.
8 Paraphrasing The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody of automatism. The more of the particular items in our daily life we can conduct without conscious control of the mind.
9 Discussion Topics Healthy/unhealthy habits in your life. Do other people's bad habits get on your nerves? If yes, cite examples. Do you agree that good habits play a vital role in your success in life?
10 Translation 1 企业高级管理层的性别歧视是根深 蒂固的。 Sexism is ingrained in the senior management of enterprises. 你认为是先天条件还是后天因素对 孩子发展最具影响? Which one do you believe has the strongest influence on how children develop, nature or nurture?
11 Translation 2 一些知名度非常高的足球运动员已经 转投国外俱乐部。 Some very high-profile football players have transferred to clubs abroad. 我清楚明了地向每个人说明了如何使 用这个取款机。 I’ve given everyone express instructions on how to use the ATM.
12 Translation 3 学校对学生在外租房的态度有所缓和。 The university administrators’ stance on students’ rental apartments off the campus has softened.
13 Composition 1.Comment on one of the three characters in the lesson. 2.Discuss the advantages in being a novelist in China.