EVOLUTION FIRE PLACES: Something that everyone needs to have in their home for a cold Philadelphia winter. A technology that would evolve over time Spectrum: ordinary extraordinary Usually built with structure, would be in architectural plans
Usage Inefficiency – ¾ of heat lost through the flue; couldn’t warm houses very well. People started to use stoves, which radiated heat, but they did not improve things too much “In 1749 one Philadelphian remarked that ‘the highest they ever raised my thermometer was to 56.’” (p.181 Davidson, Marshall B. “American House-Warming” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1945)
Designs Stove Franklin Fireplace
Architectural Plans Unsuccessful – the fire insurance surveys did not have what the detail I wished for. There were not drawings and they did not describe the types of fireplaces in different homes. Change of Plans…