Ischia, Italy 9th - 21st July Context & Linking Wednesday 19 th July David Fergusson & Malcolm Atkinson
Ischia, Italy 9th - 21st July Overview of Summer School – week 2 Sun Boat trip around the Island Mon Advanced Grid R&D in Japan, Distributed & structured Data Management –with OGSA-DAI, Tues Science Gateways & workflows, Integrated services, Using large-scale grids – with gLite, Third Example Wed Advancing descriptive power, Ontologies and Semantic Grids, Excursion Thu Integrating practical, Fourth Example, Gala Dinner Fri Panel on the Future of Grid Systems, Wrap up & Farewells Today
Ischia, Italy 9th - 21st July Advancing execution models 08:45 Context and Linking 09:00 Principles and foundations of ontologies and semantic grids Oscar Corcho 11:00 Practical experience of ontologies and semantic grids Pinar Alper 12:30 Introduction to the integrating practical David Fergusson
Ischia, Italy 9th - 21st July Thanking our sponsors…
Ischia, Italy 9th - 21st July Thanking our contributors