Manufacturing Operations Management Dennis Brandl Peter Owen BR&L Consulting Eli Lilly & Co
Objectives Review the ISA 95 standards and how they are being used in companies like Eli Lilly & Company for shop floor to top floor integration The standards provide a formal model for exchanged data between business systems and manufacturing systems The models also include a definition of Manufacturing Operations Management, the activities on the shop floor that take production schedules and perform the actual work required to manufacture products The Manufacturing Operations Management models are currently being used in the development of multiple new manufacturing facilities
Manufacturing in the Supply Chain “Make” is a significant part of the supply chain and collaborative manufacturing, but is often the last element to be actually integrated Collaboration in “Make” is usually not a “Low Hanging Fruit” But can offer very high ROI for high volume, or high cost products However, Business IT and Manufacturing IT organizations are often at odds as they try to collaborate They have different goals and different success criteria They use the same terms for different elements and different terms for the same elements
Collaborative Manufacturing Help Fortunately there are multiple standards in place to help integrating business systems with manufacturing systems. The ISA 95 Enterprise/Control System Integration standards, also an IEC/ISO standard XML Schemas standards for collaborative manufacturing from the World Batch Forum Will show how they are being applied to the development of manufacturing systems roadmap
Different Points of View Business Systems Time Horizons Long-term view Model detail Linear route structures Control emphasis Product cost and overall profitability Modeling criteria: Accounting reference points Has inventory value changed significantly? If not, don’t model separately View from the boardroom Manufacturing Systems Time Horizons Real-time view Model detail Complex routes with rework paths Control emphasis Physical movement & accountability Modeling criteria: material movement reference points Does product stop moving? If not, don’t model separately View from the workcenter
Philosophical Orientation Enterprise Management systems: How much is my stuff worth? Manufacturing Opearations Systems: Where is my stuff?
ISA 95 Provides Direction The ANSI/ISA 95.00.01 “Enterprise - Control System Integration - Part 1: Models and Terminology” Also Draft International Standard ISO/IEC 62264-1 ANSI/ISA 95.00.02 “Enterprise - Control System Integration - Part 2: Object Attributes” Draft ISA 95.00.03 “Enterprise - Control System Integration - Part 3: Activity Models of Manufacturing Operations Management” Explain a little bit about ISA and what it does in the standards area. ISA Is the Instrumentation Systems and Automation society Explain the S95.01 is the draft standard and that SP95 was the committee. Mention that this is a USA standard, under the auspices of ANSI explain the status of the international version and the draft Part 3 work.
ISA95.01 Levels Level 4 Business Planning & Logistics Level 3 Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc Interface addressed in the ISA 95.01 and ISA 95.02 standard Level 3 Manufacturing Operations & Control Dispatching Production, Detailed Production Scheduling, Reliability Assurance, ... Area addressed in the ISA 95.03 standard Levels 2,1,0 The figure above is a simplified version of the Purdue model, showing the S95 scope. Level 4 is high level planning and scheduling and logistics. Level 3 is manufacturing control, including operations scheduling - or planning. Level 2 needs a lot of definition. Describe S88.01 and the batch model and how it stops at the process cell. Describe some of the S88.01 models. There are less well-defined models for continuous and discrete processes. Continuous is handled somewhat by S88.01, but without the concept of recipes for products, just recipes for product startup and shutdown. PDXI has a model at least of all of the static information (design of P&IDs) and control loops, but not very dynamic Discrete models SME (Society of Mechanical Engineers has some material, but nothing in the ISA /IEC/ISO arena. Batch Control Continuous Control Discrete Control
Operations Management ISA95.01 Levels Business Logistics Management (ERP) Level 4 Business Planning & Logistics Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc Interface addressed in the ISA 95.01 and ISA 95.02 standard Manufacturing Operations Management (MES, LIMS, AM, …) Level 3 Manufacturing Operations & Control Dispatching Production, Detailed Production Scheduling, Reliability Assurance, ... Area addressed in the ISA 95.03 standard Levels 2,1,0 The figure above is a simplified version of the Purdue model, showing the S95 scope. Level 4 is high level planning and scheduling and logistics. Level 3 is manufacturing control, including operations scheduling - or planning. Level 2 needs a lot of definition. Describe S88.01 and the batch model and how it stops at the process cell. Describe some of the S88.01 models. There are less well-defined models for continuous and discrete processes. Continuous is handled somewhat by S88.01, but without the concept of recipes for products, just recipes for product startup and shutdown. PDXI has a model at least of all of the static information (design of P&IDs) and control loops, but not very dynamic Discrete models SME (Society of Mechanical Engineers has some material, but nothing in the ISA /IEC/ISO arena. Batch Control Continuous Control Discrete Control
ISA 95 Part 1 and Part 2 Exchanged Information Information that crosses the boundary between business systems and manufacturing systems This is the intro slide to the discussion on Part 1 and Part 2 which defines the exchanged information.
Exchanged Information Categories Enterprise Information Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc Production Capability Information (What is available for use) Product Definition Information (How to make a product) Production Schedule (What to make and use) Production Performance (What was made and used) Manufacturing Control Information Area Supervision, Production Planning, Reliability, Assurance, etc
4x4 Object Models Four categories of resources Personnel Equipment Material (and Energy) Process Segments Four Process, Product, & Production Models Capability & Capacity Definition Product Definition Production Schedule Production Performance
Four Resource Object Models People Materials Equipment Personnel resources managed for production Equipment resources managed for production Material resources managed for production Process Segments Business view of production processes
Capability, Product, Schedule, and Performance Information Time Capability/Capacity What is available for use for production Product Definitions What is needed to make a product Production Schedule What to make and resources to use Once the “WORDS” are agreed to then we can talk about the real exchange of information, things that may change on a regular basis. These correspond to the four bubbles in the VENN diagram previous used: What is available, what is needed for a product, what to do, and what was done. Production Performance What was made and resources actually used
Production Schedule Production Schedule Production Request People Materials Equipment Segments Production Schedule Production Schedule Production Request Segment Request Expected Produced Material Expected Consumed Material Expected Personnel Expected Equipment Production Parameters … What to make Priority and/or dates What materials to use What equipment to use What personnel to use Production parameters (e.g. Color, Options,…) This is what people normally think about when they think about B2M integration. These are the production schedules. There is a formal UML model that defines a production schedule, in terms of the personnel, equipment, material, process segment, and product definitions. It may define priorities, due dates, latest start dates, etc.. It may define what materials to use, what equipment to use, and what personnel to use. (Note, add in the story here about not specifying too much detail, where the ERP system was specifying the bags of sugar, irrespective of their location in the warehouse) Mention options (e.g. such as color, or customer options, such as purity range or filler %) Per location (Site, Area, …) Per week, day, shift, order, …
Production Performance People Materials Equipment Segments Production Performance Production Performance Production Response Segment Response Produced Material Actual Consumed Material Actual Personnel Actual Equipment Actual Production Data … What was made What material was actually produced What materials were actually consumed Equipment used Personnel used Production data (e.g. Purity, density,…) This the last element of shared information, and it is what manufacturing tells the business about what was done. This is what was produced, what was consumed, what consumables where used, what personnel was used, and what equipment was used. PROVIDED THE BUSINESS SYSTEMS ARE READY TO ACCEPT THAT INFORMATION. Mention that only a fraction of a percent of the generated information is actually exchanged. Use the chemical plant as an example, 100 GB of data generated per week, 1 GB of data stored, > 1MB of data exchanged (.000001% of data collected is exchanged). Per location (Site, Area, …) Per shift, hour, end of batch, …
XML Standard for B2M Exchanges The World Batch Forum has developed XML Schemas that map to the ANSI/ISA-95 models Defines how to represent the ISA-95 information in XML Business To Manufacturing Markup Language B2MML One schema for each object model Formal way to exchange information
An XML Example – Material Lot <ID> W89 </ID> <Description> A lot of material </Description> <MaterialDefinitionID> WXE908 </MaterialDefinitionID> <Location> Tank 1 </Location> <Quantity UnitOfMeasure = "KL" > 4500 </Quantity> <MaterialLotProperty> <ID> dateTimeProduction </ID> <Value> 2001-01-06T00:14:23+11:30 </Value> </MaterialLotProperty> <ID> Quality Status </ID> <Value> Good </Value> </MaterialLot> </Material>
ISA95 Part 3 Activity Models of Manufacturing Operations In Development Expected Release 2004
PRODUCTION OPERATIONS QUALITY ASSURANCE OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE Order Processing (1.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Product Shipping Admin (9.0) Production Scheduling (2.0) PRODUCTION OPERATIONS INVENTORY OPERATIONS Material and Energy Control (4.0) Production Control (3.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) INVENTORY OPERATIONS QUALITY ASSURANCE OPERATIONS Procurement (5.0) MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS Quality Assurance (6.0) Marketing & Sales Maintenance Management (10.0) Research Development and Engineering
ISA 95.03 Manufacturing Operations Functions Production resource management capability Analysis data collection execution dispatching tracking performance Detailed production scheduling schedule Level 2 Process Control Product definition Equipment and Process Specific Production Rules Specific Data Operational Responses Commands
Other Enterprise Activities in Manufacturing Operations Some actives are not specific to manufacturing ISA-95.03 lists references to standards in these areas Quality Operations Maintenance Production Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Management of Configuration of Information of Security of Documentation of Compliance Inventory Major Activities Within Manufacturing Operations Activity detailed Activity not detailed Activity outside scope
Implementations Nestle Arla Foods Empersas Polar Eli Lilly Project to use the XML schemas for schedule exchange Arla Foods Project to use XML for standard interfaces to multiple ERP systems and MES systems Empersas Polar Project to use XML schemas for schedule exchange Eli Lilly Projects to use ISA 95 models for manufacturing operations management architecture
Building Collaborative Manufacturing Systems Process Used to Develop Solution Architectures Conceptual Topology Functional Areas Standards and Guidelines Standard Applications Logical Architecture Design Physical Architecture Design
ISA 95 Control Hierarchy Levels Business Logistics Plant Production Scheduling, Shipping, Receiving, Inventory, etc ISA – IEC/ISO Interface Standards Level 3 ISA Functional Model Manufacturing Operations Management Dispatching, Detailed Production Scheduling, Production Tracking, ... IEC, OPC, & OMAC Interface Standards Level 2 Batch Production Control Continuous Production Control Discrete Production Control Level 1 Level 0 The production processes
Conceptual Topology – IT View IT View of the ISA-95 Levels and relationship to systems and networks Levels 1-2 Control the process and provide visibility to the process Electronic records are not embedded in the control layers (Level 1-2) Usually some specialized hardware and possibly networks Level 3 Maintenance of production information is centralized to provide greater control and availability of the records Electronic records are managed and controlled through Level 3 systems with audit trail, access control, backup, and ERP connectivity Usually standard hardware and networks
Conceptual Topology – IT View Level 4 ERP, APO, Logistics Systems Business Process Information Network Level 3 MES, LIMS, WMS, CMM Systems Operations Information Network Level 2 HMI, SCADA, Batch Systems Automation Network PLC, DCS, Packaged Systems Level 1 Discrete & Process Device Communication Networks I/O, Devices, Sensors
Functional Areas Use the ISA 95 and ISA 88 models of functions Map the functions to system areas and networks Use the ISA 95 rules for determining what is in Level 3 (vs Level 4) The function is critical to maintaining regulatory compliance. Includes such factors as safety, cGMP, and environmental compliance The function is critical to plant safety The function is critical to product quality The function is critical to plant reliability
Functional Areas – From ISA 95 & 88 Business Process Information Network Networking Level 3 Detailed Scheduling Resource Management Production Tracking Product Definition Management Production Dispatching Configuration Management Production Analysis Production Execution Networking Operations Information Network Level 2 Recipe Control Supervisory Control Alarm Management Operator Control Operator Visibility Equipment Information Collection Networking Automation Network Phase Control On/Off Control Continuous Control Programmed Control Interlock & Safety Control Level 1 Discrete & Process Device Communication Networks Networking Sense Events Sense Process Manipulate Equipment Manipulate Process
Logical Architecture Maps functional areas and data locations Independent of technology Defines the different layers of the architecture in terms of data and control These are mapped to physical networks, servers, and applications in the physical architecture Defines what functions are to be performed at each level, and what data is to be maintained at each level To result in maintainable and robust systems To provide a way to manage the life cycle of the production systems Provides the structure required to grow and modify the system without compromising any of the previous advantages
Logical Architecture – IT View Level 3 Reports and Analysis Reporting HMI Engineering Tools Desktop Investigations, Trends, … Diagnostics, analysis, … Business Information Network Fault tolerant Site Data Storage ERP Connection Centralized Servers Permanent Database Area Data Storage MES Operations Control Level 2 Supervisory HMI Recipe Execution Operator Control Batch Execution Operations Information Network Real-time Data and Buffering Data Acquisition Production Areas Automation Network Real-time Control and Data Collection The production area does not indicate locations within the specific zone of production, but is within the scope of control of the production area, with a local network used only for the local production area. This is a separate network segment used to communicate between between controllers and data acquisition systems. There is no physical connection between the local industrial network and any site or wider area network. The local industrial network may be connected to a management VLAN to allow remote monitoring of the network. (See the physical architecture) Management of the network must be considered. The organization that has ownership and support for the network may be considered as part of each project. Part of the physical network architecture should follow the Lilly standard for management VLANs. (Check with Wayne Urton) Note: Don’t assume that the local work centers will always communicate synchronsly, design the system so that they can operate asyschronously. Controller Packaged Equipment Level 1 Device Connection & /Networks Sensors/Actuators Process/Equipment
A Physical Architecture Defines the IT infrastructure and applications Defines networks and network connections Defines locations of applications Defines locations of servers Defines the mapping of applications to servers Physical architecture depends on the solution set used: Vendor capabilities Networks Security and network management …
Physical Architecture – IT View XML Level 3 DataBase Servers Historian Reporter DNS Domain Ctrl ERP Connection Site Information Network VLAN Switch 2 way Firewall Network Management Router Comm. Err. Low Alarm High Alarm Eng Tools Diag Tools Configuration Server MES Server DNS Domain Ctrl VLAN Switch Non operations tools and views into data Area Operations Information Network Level 2 Gateway Historian Collection HMI Server OPC Ethernet Network Management Router Comm. Err. Low Alarm High Alarm HMI Viewer Batch Execution One Instance Per Process Cell Automation Network Level 1 Ethernet Network Management Router PLC DCS Embedded PC Packaged Equip
Conclusions Linked execution systems deliver results! Reduced direct costs; increased productivity Improved traceability; reduced “witch hunt” expense Near-theoretical cycle times: customer responsiveness, reduced WIP inventory Greater agility: smaller lot sizes, more premium products in the mix, happier customers, happier shareholders! S95 defines the currency for manufacturing object and information exchange Faster project implementation cycles Flexibility to integrate and realign as corporate structures change
Status ISA95.00.01 & ISA.95.00.02 available IEC/ISO 62264-1 available from IEC & ISO ISA 95.00.03 in draft Still under development in the committee World Batch Forum Developed XML Schemas for the exchanged information Vendors Many currently using ISA-95 models in development and current products Users Specifying ISA-95 in their RFPs