Some useful linear algebra
Linearly independent vectors span(V): span of vector space V is all linear combinations of vectors v i, i.e.
The eigenvalues of A are the roots of the characteristic equation Eigenvectors of A are columns of S diagonal form of matrix
Similarity transform then A and B have the same eigenvalues The eigenvector x of A corresponds to the eigenvector M -1 x of B
Rank and Nullspace
Least Squares More equations than unknowns Look for solution which minimizes ||Ax-b|| = (Ax-b) T (Ax-b) Solve Same as the solution to LS solution
Properties of SVD Columns of U (u 1, u 2, u 3 ) are eigenvectors of AA T Columns of V (v 1, v 2, v 3 ) are eigenvectors of A T A 2 are eigenvalues of A T A
with equal to for all nonzero singular values and zero otherwise pseudoinverse of A Solving
Least squares solution of homogeneous equation Ax=0
Enforce orthonormality constraints on an estimated rotation matrix R’
Newton iteration measurement parameter f( ) is nonlinear
Levenberg Marquardt iteration