1 Mechanical Systems Translation Point mass concept P P(t) = F(t)*v(t) Newton’s Laws & Free-body diagrams Rotation Rigid body concept P P(t) = T(t)*w(t) Newton’s laws & Free-body diagrams Transducer devices and effects
2 Mechanical rotation Newton’s Laws (applied to rotation) Every body persists in a state of uniform (angular) motion, except insofar as it may be compelled by torque to change that state. The time rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the torque producing it. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Principia Philosophiae, 1686, Isaac Newton)
3 Quantities and SI Units “F-L-T” system Define F: force [N] Define L: length [m] Define T: time [s] Derive T: torque (moment) [N-m] M: mass [kg] w: angular velocity [rad/s] J: mass moment of inertia [kg-m^2]
4 Physical effects and engineered components Inertia effect - rigid body with mass in rotation Compliance (torsional stiffness) effect – torsional spring Dissipation (rotational friction) effect – torsional damper System boundary conditions: u motion conditions – angular velocity specified u torque conditions - drivers and loads
5 Rotational inertia Physical effect: r^2* *dV Engineered device: rigid body “mass” Standard schematic icon (stylized picture) Standard multiport representation Standard icon equations
6 Rigid body in fixed-axis rotation: standard form J T1T2 w 1 I:J w T1T2
7 Compliance (torsional stiffness) Physical effects: =E* Engineered devices: torsional spring Standard schematic icon Standard multiport representation Standard icon equations
8 Torsional compliance 0 C w1 w2 T
9 Dissipation (torsional resistance) Physical effects Engineered devices: torsional damper Standard schematic icons Standard multiport representation Standard icon equations
10 Torsional resistance 0 R w1 w2 T
11 Free-body diagrams Purpose: Develop a systematic method for generating the equations of a mechanical system. Setup method: Separate the mechanical schematic into standard components and effects (icons); generate the equation(s) for each icon. Standard form of equations: the composite of all component equations is the initial system set; select a reduced set of key variables (generalized coordinates); reduce the initial equation set to a set in these variables.
12 Multiport modeling of mechanical translation Multiport representations of the standard icons: focus on power ports Equations for the standard icons Multiport modeling using the free-body approach
13 Multiport modeling of fixed-axis rotation based on free-body diagrams Identify each rotating rigid body. Define an inertial angular velocity for each. Use a standard multiport component to represent each rotating rigid body (with or without mass). Write the standard equation(s) for each component.
14 Example 1: torsional system