12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Search for T, T ! e + e -, + - Particles predicted by the Low Scale Technicolor Model TCSM - Eichten, Lane and Womersley TCSM2 - K. Lane hep-ph/ Search for T, T ! e + e - Greg Landsberg Meenakshi Narain Search for T, T ! + - John Butler Ryan Hooper
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Low Scale Technicolor Phenomenology Technicolor Models requiring large number of technifermion doublets: Topcolor-assisted Technicolor Walking Technicolor Low Scale Technicolor Phenomenology: color singlet vectors (200 – 400 GeV ) produced in pp collisions Decays: color-singlet scalars lightest technihadrons Decays Cross section for depends on two main model parameter choices: Difference in the T and T mass The mass parameter M V =M A =M T, which controls the rate of ! T Z W T W T, WW WZ f f, g g f f, g g ff,gg bb, bc dominate)
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain PRL – analysis by Heintz and Narain Vary mass parameter M V =M A =M T RunI Results Difference in T and T mass
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Search for Technicolor to Dielectrons Search for T / T e + e - as a bump/excess at high dielectron mass Analysis based on Landsberg, Perez LED and Z’ searches Use identical cuts same # data events and same background estimates Intrinsic widths of T, T are about 0.5 GeV Thus resonance width dominated by detector resolution Optimized mass dependent cut window for this particular search
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Dielectron Analysis
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Dielectron Analysis Blue curves: m( T )-m( T )=60 GeV Magenta curves: m( T )-m( T )=100 GeV For a given set Uppsermost curve M T =500 GeV Middle curve M T =200 GeV Lowermost curve M T = 100 GeV
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Limits from dielectron Channel 95% C.L. m( T, T )-m( T )=60 GeV m( T ) > 367 GeV for M T = 500 GeV m( T ) > 340 GeV for M T = 100 GeV m( T, T )-m( T )=100 GeV m( T, T ) > 355 GeV for M T = 500 GeV m( T, T ) > 240 GeV for M T = 100 GeV Compare to RunI m( T, T )-m( T )=60 GeV m( T, T ) > 250 GeV for M T = 100 GeV m( T )-m( T )=100 GeV m( T, T ) > 230 GeV for M T = 400 GeV m( T, T ) > 206 GeV for M T = 100 GeV
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Search for Technicolor to Dimuons Search for T / T as a bump/excess at high mass Motivation identical to the dielectron search Analysis based on Ryan Hooper’s LED and Z’ searches (DØ notes 4229 & 4230) updated for a 250 pb -1 data set Use identical cuts same # data events and same background estimates p T > 15 GeV Cut on ( 1 + 2 ) to remove cosmics | det | < 2 TC mass dependent cut window
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Search for Technicolor to Dimuons Acceptance Efficiency Pythia implementation of TCSM Generated 100k events for each mass point p smeared using pmcs prescription (DØ note 4297) Use Ryan’s Map in for Acc p T re-weighting procedure 1% overall error assumed Results For M T = 100 GeV and ( T T ) = 60 GeV, exclude masses < 240 GeV Exceeds the Run I ee limit First in dimuons for DØ Combine with the ee limit
12 August 2004Butler, Hooper, Landsberg, Narain Conclusion We have performed a search for T, T ! e + e -, + - We have extended the limit significantly in the dielectron final state. The best results so far. Sent to group/EB for review We have a new analysis in the dimuon final state We combined the limit for the two final states Will be writing this up shortly and sending to the group/EB for review.