Lab/Sessional -CSE-374
TACKLING COMPUTER PROJECT A step-by-step guide to better projects
Choosing a Project you should Understand what constitutes a suitable project Understand the constraints on the choice of hardware and software Know how to go about choosing your own project Know how to work out a schedule to meet the project deadline Have looked at summaries of several past projects of different types Requirements for a computer project Generally, when a project forms part of a computing course, you will be expected to produce a complete, well documented system. you have to demonstrate that you can solve an information processing problem using the most appropriate means available.
Choosing a Project you should Understand what constitutes a suitable project Understand the constraints on the choice of hardware and software Know how to go about choosing your own project Know how to work out a schedule to meet the project deadline Have looked at summaries of several past projects of different types Requirements for a computer project Generally, when a project forms part of a computing course, you will be expected to produce a complete, well documented system. you have to demonstrate that you can solve an information processing problem using the most appropriate means available.
The choice of project Choosing a project is the first hurdle. It needs to be sufficiently meaty to enable you to gain the maximum possible marks, but not so ambitious that you cannot get it finished in the time available. About 20% of the marks maybe awarded for Analysis of requirements, Choosing your own project The most important things to remember when you choose your project are: choose something hat interests you - after all, you are going to spend the next several months on it:
Drawing up a schedule or timetable taskStart dateFinish date(estimated) analyze system 9 December January 2005 define new systems requirements 03 January February 2005 design new system 17 February March 2005 develop new systems and have users test it; 17 March March 2005 implement new system; 31 March April 2005 evaluate performance of new system and maintain system. 14 April April 2005 Hand in:30 April 2005
Ideas for computer projects Database and file based projects 1: Newsagent's Database 2.Dressmaking Service Job Control Statistical analyses 3. WildRide Theme Park Management Program 4. TheatreAudiience Analysis Computer aided learning packages 6. Circuit Design and Test Software 7. Typing tutor for child with unpaired vision Expert systems 8. An Expert System Shell Computer aided design 9.Computer aided design package
Objectives:- When you have completed this session, you will be able to: Explain why some systems fail Identify six phases of a systems development life cycle List some techniques for gathering and analyzing data describing the current system Describe the extant to which the requirements for a new information system be defined before the system is designed Identify the major factors to consider in designing the input, output, and processing procedures and the storage requirements Describe the role of the user in the systems development life cycle Describe four basic approaches to implementing a new computer-based information system
User Participation in systems Development:- Knowledge of systems analysis and design helps you explain Your present job, improve personal productively, and lesson risk of a project’s failure
The SDLC comprises six phases: Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC):- (1) analyze system; (2) define new systems requirements; (3) design new system; (4) develop new systems and have users test it; (5) implement new system; (6) evaluate performance of new system and maintain system
Analyze current system Design new system Implement new system Define new systems requirements Evaluate and maintain new system Develop new system
Three groups of personal are usually involved in an SDLC project: 1. The group staff members (users) 2. Representatives of user management, information processing management, and system owners (management) 3. Technical staff consisting of systems analysis and programming (information specialists)
Phase 1: Analyze the current System:- In the fist phase of the SDLC, systems analysts conduct a preliminary analysis, determining the organization’s objectives and the nature and scope of existing problems. They then propose solutions in a report to management. Purpose of Phase 1 The main objectives of phase 1 is to gain a clear understanding of the existing system and its shortcomings, to identify existing problems, and to determine where improvements can be made. An analysis of the current system takes place regardless of whether it is manual or computer-based, and each situation (application) must be analyzed.
Some aspects of each application within the current system that are studied include : Inputs (transactions) Outputs File structure and storage Users’ requirements Methods and procedures Communications needs Control Existing hardware and software (if any)
Improvements to systems can be defined as changes that will result in worthwhile benefits. Possibilities for improvements include: 1.Speeding up a process 2.Streamlining a process through elimination of unnecessary or duplicate steps 3.Combining process 4.Reducing errors in input 5.Reducing redundant (duplicated) input and output 6.Improving integration of systems and subsystem 7.Simplifying customer / supplier / vendor interaction with the system 8.Cutting costs 9.Improving security
Gathering Information As you can see, the principal activities in this involve gathering information about the current system and then analyzing it. The analyst can use a number of techniques, including: Conducting interviews : Reviewing policies and procedures: Collecting sample forms, documents, memos, reports, and so on: Observing operations and office environment: Using questionnaires to conduct surveys :
Analyzing information After the analyst has gathered information about the current system, he or she must analyze the facts to identify problems –including their causes and effects-and opportunities for improvement. Just a few of the things that the analyst determine are: Minimum, average, and maximum levels of activity: For example, when do most sales orders come in? Relative importance of the various activities: This means prioritizing the activities. Redundancy of procedures: For examples, are two users entering the same sales order data at different times? Usually labor-intensive and/or tedious activities : These are manual activities that could be computerized, like filling our forms to record sales data. Activities that require extensive (complex and /or repetitive) mathematical computation: An example is updating customer charge account balances and interest charges. Procedures that have become obsolete: Perhaps your company the requirements have changed, rendering the old procedures useless.
The analyst can be use several tools to assist in the analyst. Modeling tools, Data flow diagrams show the flow of data through a system and diagram the processes that charges data into information. They focus on where data originates, where and how it’s processed, and where it goes.Data flow diagrams can be used for clarification in any phase of the systems development life cycle. To give you an example of how data flow symbols are used System flowcharts focus not only on data flow but on all aspects of a system. They use their own special set of ANSI symbols: Connectivity diagrams are used to map network connections of people, data, and activities at various locations. (See Figure 8.6). These diagrams are used as the basis for designing the network and communications systems. Grid charts show the relationship between data on input documents and data on output documents Decision tables show the rules that apply when certain conditions occur Prototyping is another tool used by system analyst to help them analyze a system and start building, a new one. A prototype is essentially a small working model of the system or some aspect of it. The prototype can be set up during this phase, or a later phase, and then modified and improved during subsequent phases.
The first phase of the SDLC usually concludes with a detailed study report to management or the steering committee. The objectives of the Phase 1 report are to provide a clear picture of what the current system does, how it does it, and what the analyst identified as problems, causes and effects of problems, causes and effect of problems, and areas where improvements can be made. Conclusion