Labour Market in the Slovak Republic Dr. Ivan Takáč Dr. Ivan Takáč Berlin, Castle of Genshagen November 18 – 20, 2005
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 2 Trends in the basic macro-economic indicators Index / GDP105.1 GDP105.1 No of employees102.4 No of employees102.4 Avarage salary109.1 Avarage salary109.1 Inflation rate2.7 % Inflation rate2.7 % Unemployment ILO Unemployment ILO Unemployment PES Unemployment PES Unempl. rate ILO16.9 % Unempl. rate ILO16.9 % Unempl. rate PES12.2 % Unempl. rate PES12.2 % Registered school leavers : % Registered school leavers : %
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 3
4 Financial sources for the labour market interventions ESF and the national budget through Sectoral operational programme Human Resources, SPD for Bratislava region and EQUAL; ESF and the national budget through Sectoral operational programme Human Resources, SPD for Bratislava region and EQUAL; Phare – the last two grant schemes. Phare – the last two grant schemes.
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 5 Planning documents European Employment Strategy; European Employment Strategy; National Action Plan for Employment; National Action Plan for Employment; 8 Regional Action Plans for Employment 8 Regional Action Plans for Employment
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 6 Projects National projects including Active Labour Market Policy measures; National projects including Active Labour Market Policy measures; Demand driven projects; Demand driven projects;
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 7 Active Labour Market Policy measures The most of them are require able; The most of them are require able; The aid depends on the classification ot f the region. The aid depends on the classification ot f the region.
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 8 Training, re-qualification and preparation for the labour market Number of participants (job seekers) – Agreed financial sources – ths. Sk Number of persons employed after : 6 811
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 9 Financial contribution for the start-up own business Number of jobs created : Agreed financial sources : ths. Sk
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 10 Financial contribution to the job for the disadvantaged unemployed Number of jobs created : Agreed financial sources : ths. Sk
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 11 Financial contribution for the practice of school leavers Objective : to gain professional and practical skills at employers Objective : to gain professional and practical skills at employers Target group: School leaver – citizen younger than 25 years-(left school max 2 years before and did not get regular paid job) or unemployed younger than 25 years. Target group: School leaver – citizen younger than 25 years-(left school max 2 years before and did not get regular paid job) or unemployed younger than 25 years. Registered at least 15 days Registered at least 15 days Benefit for school leaver: Sk/month Benefit for school leaver: Sk/month Contribution for employer : Sk/month Contribution for employer : Sk/month Duration: Max 6 months and max. 20 hours weekly Duration: Max 6 months and max. 20 hours weekly Number of participants : Number of participants : Agreed financial sources : ths. Sk Agreed financial sources : ths. Sk Number of persons employed after : Number of persons employed after : 3 157
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 12 Financial contribution for the practice of school leavers in the Slovak districts
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 13 Activation of unemployed – Part time public works Number of participants : Agreed financial sources : ths. Sk Number of persons employed after :
Labour Market in the Slovak Republic 14 Other ALMP measures: Mobility support Mobility support Creation of sheltered workshop Creation of sheltered workshop Running cost of the sheltered workshop and travel costs Running cost of the sheltered workshop and travel costs Start up for handicapped Start up for handicapped