CMOL: Device, Circuits, and Architectures Konstantin K.Likharev and Dmitri B. Strukov Stony Brook University 697GG Nano Computering Fall 2005 Prepared by Sheng Xu
The Device There is a tradeoff between molecule simplicity and functionality --Simple ones with nonlinear but monotonic I-V curves are insufficient for highly functional intergrated circuits --Complex molecule have many configurations are “soft” to thermal fluctuations --Short and ridig molecules have just few metastable internal states is best choice --Example of a possible circuit: --The challenges : 1. no process is available of acceptable yield yet due to the difficulty to ensure a unique position of the molecule relative to the electrodes possible solutions: chemical synthesis of molecules including large “floating electrodes”; Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on the surface 2.Fabrication of wires with nanometer-scale cross-section is difficult possible solutions: Nanoimprint, interference lithography
The circuit The only plausible way toward high-performance nanoelectronic circuits: hybrid of integrate molecular device, nanowires and CMOS Fabrication brings the circuit design two requirements: no precise alignment with each other and with CMOS subsystem –The resistivit of semiconductor nanowire would be too high for hybrid circuits –Chemical synthesized semi- nanowires into highly ordered parallel arrays is not available yet. An approach and CMOL circuit implementation -form a small angle between nanowire and CMOS wires need precise aligned with former nanowire -CMOL modified the form “In-Bar” networks by providing contact pins distributed all over the circuit area.
CMOL Memories CMOL architecture need to be defect-tolerant -Chemically-dricted self- assemlby of molecular deviecs can not achieve 100% yield –Two major techniques: memory matrix reconfiguration, error correction –Several analysis results: chip area VS linear n size of blocks optimized area per bit VS the molecular device yield
CMOL FPGA: Boolean Logic Circuits Why FPGA style circuits -The location of a defective gate from outside is hardly possible -The error detection and correction method is inefficient Two FPGA varieties: LUT & PLA existing problem: –LUT: memory array can not provide address decding and output signal sensing. Must be implemented in CMOS subsystem leading to a large overhead –PLA: the fraction of open device is of the order of on half comparing to LUT’s one devie which leads to a high power consumption. Meanwhile dynamic logic is not realistic in nanodevices. CMOL cell-based FPGA –Mol FPGA configuration approach to reduce original exponential circuit size. NOR input
CMOL CrossNets: Neuromorphic Networks From Neural network and more… –Neural cell bodies: nanowires –Axon and dendrites: mutually perpendicular nanowires of the CMOL crossbar –Synapses: molecular latching switches –Remark property of CMOL CrossNet: the connectivity could be very large –No external software code needed, can be trained to perform certain tasks. Challenges: --swicth between continuous signal and discrete --difficult to control synapse --processes of control single-electron latches are statistical FlossBar CMOL CrossNet