HSWT#29, Florence February 28, 2005 DWE: Initial Results Michael Bird (Radiostronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn) And the DWE Team
28 February 20052HSWT#29, Florence DWE data: Huygens Mission 6 hours3.67 hours f f df/dt Channel A Channel B
28 February 20053HSWT#29, Florence No power!
28 February 20054HSWT#29, Florence DWE from Earth: Geometry Huygens antenna pointed only ~30° from Earth Better SNR than for Galileo Probe detection at Jupiter Probe velocity projection in direction to Earth nearly antiparallel to projection in direction to Orbiter
28 February 20055HSWT#29, Florence GBT Parkes
28 February 20056HSWT#29, Florence Huygens Radio Tracking Net 10:18 UTC-GRT12:30 UTC-GRT
28 February 20057HSWT#29, Florence GRT GBT Huygens! (~ -171 dBm) Flux density: 125 Jy
28 February 20058HSWT#29, Florence GBT Detection
28 February 20059HSWT#29, Florence Watching Huygens from JPL
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Huygens Frequency: GBT + Parkes
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Huygens Frequency: GBT + predicts
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Huygens Frequency: Parkes + Predicts predicted impact
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Parkes: Huygens Impact on Titan
28 February HSWT#29, Florence GBT (1) Raw Doppler (2) Only Huygens Motion (3) Huygens Descent Velocity (4) Huygens Horizontal Velocity Doppler Components
28 February HSWT#29, Florence
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Huygens Eastward Drift During Descent DWE DISR Difference Integrate wind velocity to obtain:
28 February HSWT#29, Florence
28 February HSWT#29, Florence DWE: Preliminary Results Zonal winds above boundary layer are PROGRADE Low-velocity layer between km –Stong positive/negative wind shear –‘Unexpected’, but evident in some GCMs Considerable turbulence above 100 km Near surface winds are weak (~ 1-2 m/s)
28 February HSWT#29, Florence
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Wind Shear and Stability
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Richardson Number
28 February HSWT#29, Florence Thermal Gradients