Lab3 – Uart Announce on 2007/04/23
2 Environment –BoardAPI –FontalBSP FontalButton, FontalLED –HardwareAPI –Stack – MAC Application Queue API Service Access Point – AppApi.h –Access functions and structures used by the application to interact with the Jennic stack
3 Lab3 sample The PC’s UART connects to the on-chip UART of the FT6250 Kit. This sample code can let us figure out how to communicate between them with UART. –HardwareAPI u8UartPort: E_AHI_UART_0 vAHI_UartEnable(); vAHI_UartReset(); vAHI_UartSetClockDivisor(); vAHI_UartSetControl(); vAHI_UartSetInterrupt(); –FontalBSP led btn
4 Lab3 sample overview Connecting the sensor board to a PC using the programming cable. UART settings are in Appendix. Terminal Serial Port FT 6250 UART Typing in HyperTerminal: ex: aaaaabbbcc which UARTASCII code
5 Lab3 sample flowchart
6 Lab3 sample pseudo code 1.u32AHI_Init(); 2.u32AppApiInit(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); 3.Set up UART; 4.Init LED; 5.Register UART Callback; vUartPrint(); vByteToString();
7 Lab3 Requirement Install the Lab3 sample code to your FT device. –Observe the result using UART. –Analysis the Lab3 sample code. After comprehending the usage of UART, you are asked to integrate the experience of Lab2 into Lab3. –When typing in the terminal, you should control each of the LEDs on/off through UART. –When pressing each button of FT device, you should get different feedback in your terminal through UART.
8 Lab3 Requirement Due day –2007/05/02 Reports –Each team should only hand over one report. –The content of your Lab report should not more than 10 pages. Demo –Each team should shows a demo about your lab. –The arrangement will be announced later.
9 Appendix When using HyperTerminal, you should choose the serial port you used and configure the serial connection as follows: bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no handshaking. Ensure that your HyperTerminal is started after powering up the FT device.