1 Devices Descriptions for Context- Based Content Adaptation Reporter :Wei-Zhi Chen
2 Outline CC/PP (Composite Capability / Preference Profiles) Introduction Device Representation
3 CC/PP CC/PP 架構的目的主要是用來指明客戶端設備 ( 如 NoteBook, PDA) 如何表達它們的能力以及 偏好設定給來源伺服器 (From user agent to origin server) ,而來源伺服器則可以根據 user agent profile 來提供最適合的內容給客戶端設備。 CC/PP 架構的目的主要是用來指明客戶端設備 ( 如 NoteBook, PDA) 如何表達它們的能力以及 偏好設定給來源伺服器 (From user agent to origin server) ,而來源伺服器則可以根據 user agent profile 來提供最適合的內容給客戶端設備。
4 CC/PP 我們要把內容傳送給不同的裝備 Client 端的 device 必須告訴 web 什麼 ? – 他的能力 – 偏好設定 server client
5 The Basic Concept of CC/PP
6 CC/PP 通常一個 CC/PP 設置文件 (profile) 會被建構成一 個 2 層的 hierarchy – 一個設置文件含有至少一個或多個元件 (components) – 每個元件含有至少一個或多個屬性 (attributes) Profile
7 Introduction For the video transmission, besides the concern with bandwidth needs, there is a problem when considering different device characteristics, such as display – Personal computer v.s. PDAs
8 Introduction The difficulty imposed by CC/PP specification is that it does not describe composition of devices. – For example, to describe a person is nature describe identity information.
9 Introduction CC/PP author name id user identity
10 Introduction Besides that, CC/PP does not define a range of values that an attribute may be assigned. – For example, a vendor could assign the value ”keypad” to the attribute keyboard, while another vendor could assign the value “TelephonePad” to the same attribute, when both represent the same functionality.
11 Device Representation Devices are defined based on the four conceptual abstract type – Identity – Location – Time – Activity
12 Device Representation
13 Device Representation The most significant improvement necessary to describe device is related identity. – An application might need to know which device a user is using to access data. – They can be identified using the element.
14 Device Representation
15 Device Representation Although can be used to identify a device, it does not given us any information about the device’s features. We need to define SpecTypes such as storage (StorageType), speed (SpeedType), connector (ConnectorType), and others.
16 Device Representation
17 Device Representation Basic characteristic of MemType restrict to a fixed range
18 Device Representation SpeedType definition
19 Device Representation
20 Device Representation