IBS Tasks in the Bologna Process – A German Perspective 2 nd International Conference Education for All Warsaw, September 22-25, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

IBS Tasks in the Bologna Process – A German Perspective 2 nd International Conference Education for All Warsaw, September 22-25, 2009

The clue I nformations- und B eratungs s telle Studium und Behinderung (IBS) des Deutschen Studentenwerks

1. IBS – Who are We? 2.The 18t h Social Survey 3.Changes – Challenges – Chances of the Bologna Process Contact Agenda 3

 Project conducted by Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW)  Established in 1982  Fully financed by the Federal Ministry of Educatin and Research (BMBF) 1. IBS – Who are We? 44

 a. Documentation and Information  b. Counselling  c. Platform and networking  d. Trainings/Conferences IBS Tasks in General 55

 T arget groups: people with disabilities who are considering to study and students with disabilities, organisations and institutions with counselling services  T opics: How to organize a study? How to finance? Where to find counsellors? a. Documentation and Information 66

 nationwide  by or phone  for counsellors/coordinators for students with disabilities  for students and applicants: first and general information and guiding them to counsellors in the universities, in special cases. b. Counselling 77

Clearing house:  to secure and widen equal opportunities in universities, politics and public administration  to support counsellors/coordinators for pro-active work  to cooperate with students with disabilities, their interest groups and our Advisory Board. c. Platform and Networking 88

Conferences for all interested in equal opportunities Seminars for coordinators and counsellors Trainings for application: for students and graduates d. Conferences/Seminars/Trainings: 9

*English short version: The 18t h Social Survey *


12 How many students feel impaired in their study? 8% of all students with health-related impairments = students

3.Changes Challenges Chances of the Bologna-Process

14 Changes 16 Federal States and laws for higher education § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Federal Law

15 Growing autonomy of the Universities: - more rights to choose their students - create new study programmes - competition between universities - defining their own profile

16 What does this mean for students? less flexibility in BA and MA degrees less possibilities to organize their semesters following their personal needs reasonable adjustments have to be adapted to this study structure

17 Challenges How to secure equal opportunities? degrees 394 universities

18 Accreditation procedures for new study programmes Criteria for accreditation: University governance and management Qualification objectives for concepts for study programmes Conceptual classfication for study programmes Study programmes concept Realisation Examination system Transarency and documentation

19 Criteria for accreditation Since 2008 the criteria reflect the issues of students with disabilities. IBS tasks: - counselling the accreditation agencies - working paper for the evaluators

20 Chances Accreditation process provides: - reasonable adjustments - transparency in information - qualified counselling draw attention for embedding studying and working with disabilities in higher education

21 Chances Recommendation “Eine Hochschule für Alle” of the 6 th Rectors Conference a commitment to a University for All - agenda: 2010 discussion with all stakeholders 2013 evaluation

22 to support the coordinators for students with disabilities: - working papers - seminars - networking for collegial support IBS Tasks:

23 A University for All

Contact: Ursula Jonas Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung (IBS) Deutsches Studentenwerk Monbijouplatz 11 D Berlin Tel.: 0049/30/ Fax: 0049/30/