1 Programming for Engineers in Python Autumn 2011-12 Lecture 5: Object Oriented Programming.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Programming for Engineers in Python Autumn Lecture 5: Object Oriented Programming

2 Lecture 4 Highlights Tuples, Dictionaries Sorting Lists Modular programming Data analysis: text categorization Collect data Most frequent words How it is really done

3 Today Quick review on functions Object Oriented Programming (partially based on chapters in the book Think Python, available in the site)

4 Functions (Quick Overview)

5 How to Calculate 5! + 3! + 6!?

6 Problems Same code duplicated 3 times More elements  more code duplicates The program becomes longer and more complicated May cause bugs, cut & paste errors Hard to understand what was the writer’s intension What would we like? Write the code once! Use it several times with different arguments

7 Solution - Functions

8 Functions A group of declarations and statements that is assigned a name Effectively, a named statement block Usually has a value A sub-program Inside a fucntion we can call other functions Which can themselves use other functions, and so on… Function output: Return value to the calling function If no value is to be returned, ‘None’ is returned

9 What are They Good For? Generalize a repeated set of instructions We don’t have to keep writing the same thing over and over Solve bugs once… They can break your problem down into smaller sub-tasks Easier to solve complex problems They make a program much easier to read and maintain Abstraction – we don’t have to know how a function is implemented to use it

10 In Short Why do we need functions? Code reusability Modularity Abstraction

11 Examples

12 Passing Arguments to Functions When a function is called, arguments’ values are attached to function’s formal parameters by order, and an assignment occurs before execution Values are copied to formal parameters

13 Passing Arguments to Functions A reference is passed by reference Example: lists This explains why we can change an array’s content within a function a

14 Example

15 Pyhton Memory Model Stack: local variables and arguments, every function uses a certain part of the stack Stack variables “disappear” when scope ends Heap: global variables and objects, scope independent Garbage Collector Partial description

16 How to Change a Variable via Functions? So how can a method change an outer variable? By its return value By accessing heap-based memory (e.g., lists)

17 A Car How would you represent a car? Parts / features: 4 wheels, steering wheel, horn, color,… Functionality: drive, turn left, honk, repaint,… In Python???

18 Lets Start Simpler How would you represent a library? Container of books Each book: Title Author ISBN number Number of pages Publisher

19 Printing a Book

20 What Would We Want? To group the definition of several variables under a single name – a new type Somewhat similar to functions… Using the new type as if it is part of the language: Define variables, perform operation

21 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Represent problem-domain entities using a computer language When building a software in a specific domain, describe the different components of the domain as types and variables Thus we can take another step up in abstraction

22 Class as a Blueprint A class is a blueprint of objects

23 Class as a Blueprint A class is a blueprint of objects

24 Classes as Data Types Classes define types that are a composition of other types and have unique functionality An instance of a class is named an object Every instance may contain: Constructors Attributes (data members / fields) Methods

25 Car Example Members: 4 wheels, steering wheel, horn, color,… Every car instance has its own Methods: drive, turn left, honk, repaint,… Constructors: by color (only), by 4 wheels, engine,…

26 How to Represent a Point in 2D? Alternatives: Two variables x,y Elements in a list / tuple A new data type Creating a new type is a (little) more complicated, but has its advantages (to be apparent soon) class – a user defined type How to represent a point?

27 Creating a new Point (instantiation) blank is an instance of class Point

28 But Where is the Point? x does not exist “in” blank (nor y) We want to be able to access x,y via Point instance

29 Constructors A special function, defined in the class’s code that “produces” instances Invoked automatically when an object is instantiated Given as input whatever is required to produce an instance What would a Point’s constructor accept as inputs?

30 Constructors – More Technically Defined within the class’s scope Always named __init__ Short for initialization 2 underscores init 2 underscores The first parameter would be self To be explained later on Note that when invoking (calling) the constructor, self is not passed as an argument It is common for the parameters of __init__ to have the same names as the attributes

31 Attributes The variable p1 refers to a Point object p1.x means “Go to object p1 refers to and get the value of x” There is no conflict between a variable x and the attribute x p1 x  3.0 y  4.0 Point

32 Instances and Functions Objects can be passed as arguments to functions Objects are mutable

33 Copying Objects is operator indicates that p1 and p2 are not the same object, the default behavior of the == operator is the same as the is operator

34 Instances as Return Values

35 A Circle How would you represent a circle object? Attributes? Constructor?

36 Shallow / Deep Copy

37 Shallow / Deep Copy (Cont.)

38 Object Oriented Programming Programs are made of object definitions and function definitions, and most of the computation is expected in terms of operations on objects Each object definition corresponds to some object or concept in the real world, and the functions that operate on that object correspond to the ways real-world objects interact

39 Methods Method is a function that is associated with a particular class Examples in strings, lists, dictionaries, tuples Difference between methods and functions: Methods are defined inside a class definition The syntax for invoking a method A method is called through an instance

40 Example: Distance Between Two Points (function)

41 Example: Distance Between Two Points (method)

42 Example: In Circle

43 Next week: defining a new type that behaves as part of the language More OOP Implementation of Rational Numbers