Metadata Data About Data Karen Coyle
Metadata Data with a Purpose Karen Coyle
Metadata is …
Longitude and Latitude Real planet Metadata
creator = Karen Coyle title = Metadata; Data with a Purpose date = June 11, 2007 format = MS Powerpoint language = English rights = Karen Coyle, 2007
MODS Sound and fury : the making of the punditocracy / Alterman, Eric creator
OpenURL issn= &date=1998 &volume=12 &issue=2 &spage=134 &author=smith jh &title=review of the literature &date=1998&volume=12&issue=2&spage=134&author= smith jh&title=review of the literature
metaDATA today is… … on a computer…. … that is on the Internet … … where the Web is the primary application for delivery of resources to users
metaDATA Rigorous Solves a problem It furthers an activity Computable
FRBR User Tasks find identify select obtain
Professor Burke’s Wishlist tools that recognize existing clusters of knowledge; if you find a book using LCSH, you probably already know it existed. tool that recognizes the conversation the book was in. those that were written after the book came out and have continued the conversation. tools that know lines of descent; chronology of publications; later readers determine connection between texts tools that find unknown connections (full text search; topic maps?) tools that produce serendipity -- hidden connections. tools that inform me of authority tools that know about real world usage (those who bought x bought y; how many people checked this out?) tools that know about the sociology of knowledge; the pedigrees of authors: who were they trained by, how long ago; how trustworthy is this institution?
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