GI Sequence – Histology Oral region and Salivary Glands January 4, 2010
# 114, Lip Human Orbicularis oris muscle Labial salivary glands #114: human, H&E 114 Monkey 114 Human,trichrome
Lining oral mucosa salivary glands Vermillion border of the lip dilated venules and veins Orbicularis oris muscle #114M (monkey) #114 (human)
Slide 115 Vestibule Oral cavity Oral cavity proper #115 Fetal Palate, H&E and Trichrome
Masticatory Mucosa (gingiva) ?1?1 ?3?3 Enamel Dentin: dentinal tubules ?2?2 Epithelial attachment #122-2 ?4?4 Masticatory mucosa
Filiform papillae Fungiform papilla #116 H&E
Circumvallate papilla von Ebner’s gland Taste bud #117 H&E ?2?2 ?1?1
Taste buds von Ebner’s glands Circumvallate Papilla #117N
#117N Circumvallate papilla with taste buds and von Ebner’s gland
#122 Trichrome
#122 Periodontal membrane and Sharpey’s fibers
Dentin and dentinal tubules Odontoblasts ?1?1 ?2?2
#122 ?2?2 ?1?1 Periodontal ligament (membrane) Sharpey’s fibers)
Acellular cementum Cellular cementum #122 PAS
#123 Devel. tooth
Submandibular gland Sublingual gland #183-1 #185-2 ?1?1 ?2?2
Serous acinus Mucous acinus Serous demilune #183-1 ?1?1 ?2?2 ?3?3
Mucicarmine Stain #183-2: Submandibular gland #185A: Sublingual gland
Intercalated duct Intercalated duct leading to Striated duct.
Striated Duct Cells
Intralobular Striated duct Interlobular excretory duct
#183-1 Interlobular ducts Intralobular ducts ?1?1 ?2?2