Bologna and the administration Bert Verveld University of Groningen
students, marketshare 11% 4500 first-year students 6000 employees 260 fte full-professors 300 doctoral thesis/year 60 bachelor programmes, 110 master's programmes, 10 faculties, 15 research schools 500 mln euro expenditure (55% staff)
University of Groningen
Office of the University Policy advisor Concern administration (financial, people, students, buildings, etc) Service centres
bologna Educational reform Content an structure Goals: –flexibility, –mobility, –recognition, –accountability
Bachelor-Master structure at universities Standard 2 cycle system human., economy, social sciences natural sciences Bachelor Master 180 ECTS 60 ECTS 120 ECTS 180 ECTS medical studies
Master programmes Exceptions 1½ year - European master programmes 2 year programmes: training as teacher training as researcher (joint masters)
Bachelor - Master structure Master: 60, 120, 180 ECTS Bachelor: 180 ECTS Focus on research Focus on profession Focus on student Academic learning Active learning environment
Bachelor, contents 180 ECTS - major - field of study - academic training - e.g. specialisation 30 ECTS free minor 150 ECTS academic training - knowledge - academic training Year 3 Year 2 Year 1
Who does what? National legislation: ministry/parliament Educational design: faculty University regulations: university board Administrative procedures: the administration
Bologna = modernization Bologna modernizes curricula to a European standard Modernizing curricula requires adjustment of standing procedures and regulations and modernizing services and facilities From a “dutch university point of view”
Topics for the administration Academic affairs –Strategic positioning –Quality asssurance International affairs Education logistics Regulations Governance Marketing/branding Guidance Financing and budgetting HRM Facilities Language
What does the U-board Which studies Ba and Ma Length of study-programmes Ba and Ma (within the law) Entry and admission regulations Fees for non EU students Language of tuition Quality assurance
Education policy 1. More flexibilty for the student 2. Design of study 3. Quality assurance 4.Masterphase is the strategic battleground for the European universities 5.Internationalization 1. More uniform structure for courses 2. Accreditation 3. Peer review and follow up incl. internal quality system 4.U-board makes strategic choices (specialization, research) 5.Cooperation
requirements University study result registration system University course and room planning system University education course catalogue Future: integrated education information system Electronic integrated learning environment for students and teachers Uniform or differentiated tariff structure for courses
Education information system Courses Schedule Rooms Teachers Study planning module Electronic subscription for exams Study/exam results
course teacher classroo m exam s results subscri ption EIS Entry level Credits etc Availability language Size Availability facilities Authentication authorisation student adminis tration check
Education facilities Classrooms: Bachelor bigger lecture rooms, Master smaller lecture rooms Study places at the university library (1 place for 10 students) accounts, electronic library acces, discussion groups, etcetc for all students and teachers
Electronic learning environment THE workplace for student and teacher Course content Projects Communication between teachers and students Authorisation and authentication procedures through student/personal numbers NESTOR (Blackboard)
Education support service Maintains the electronic learning environment and other education oriented electronic systems Supports quality assurance activities in faculties Teacher training
IT ESS library faculty ELO centre student teacher Techn. maintanance Data storage development support Materials periodicals books Course content information communication helpdesk
AND: strategic planning committee(s) & staff: –content becomes strategy, –subject becomes position, –quality is essential
The student! Recruiting the student (inter)national Studentguidance (study advise, psychosocial support, judicial support) Studenthousing? Financial support (grants) for the talented students Scouting!
Financing and budgetting 1.Budget directly related to student on a month basis 2.Budget allocation 3.Decreasing government funds 4.Recruiting 1.Flexible enrollment and budget system 2.Differentiation between Ba and MA 3.Need for additional sources of income: o.a. tuition fees 4.Grants
Communication & marketing 1.National and international competition for (the best) students and PhD’s 2.International branding 3.Institutional strategic positioning 4.Communication tools 1.Increase in staff and funds for international marketing 2.Masterprogrammes are critical for succes 3.U-board decides on critical issues 4.Web gets dominant
Facilities give competitive advantage Library: from book to screen Informationtechnology: integrated environment & wireless campus WEB WEB WEB Housing conditions The city!
conclusions Strategy`: U-board more dominant Masterphase is crucial Administration must be flexible and integrated (€, people, students) IT full environment and wireless Web is crucial as communication tool