1 Update: High energy photon pairs Vladimir Litvin, Toyoko Orimoto Caltech QCD Meeting 03 July 2007
2 Introduction Study to investigate L1 and HLT efficiencies and selection for an express stream for very high energy di-EM events Relevance to QCD group: QCD backgrounds are amongst our largest Recently written di-photon skim filter, part of QCDAnalysis/Skimming package MC Samples: Produced at Caltech & Fermilab (with no pileup) Signal RS-1 G : ~80-90k (131_hlt2,3,4,5) each for 750, 1250, 1000, & 1500 GeV mass samples (with c = 0.1) Backgrounds from irreducible qqbar & gg: Born: ~100k (131_hlt2,3,4,5) events Box: ~300k (131_hlt2) and ~100k (131_hlt3,4,5) events
3 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 96%
4 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 97%
5 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 97%
6 New HLT paths in 131hlt5 Two additional bits were added in 1_3_1_hlt5 for high energy EM stream, based on a 5% H/E cut HLT1EMHighEt: pt > 80 GeV and HOE < 5% HLT1EMVeryHighEt : pt > 200 GeV
7 Next Steps Production: CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt6 (should be last) Produce gamma+jet and QCD backgrounds with generator preselection (working on filter now) Working on gamma+jets and 2gamma+jets Alpgen samples with Delhi University (S. Bhattacharia) Analysis: Try to reproduce results from PTDR CSA07: Diphoton skim for CSA07 implemented, as part of QCDAnalysis/Skimming package Caltech to host samples as Tier2 -- see talk last week Submitted all cfg files for CSA07 official production (for the RS-1 diphoton decay study)
8 Backup Slides
9 Releases and Tags CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt2 with tags: V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/xchannel V RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt3 with tags: V DataFormats/L1Trigger V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd V L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger V HLTrigger/HLTanalyzers V HLTrigger/HLTexample V SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimProducers V RecoTauTag/HLTProducers V RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers V EventFilter/EcalDigiToRaw V EventFilter/EcalRawToDigiDev V DataFormats/EcalRawData V Geometry/EcalMapping V HLTrigger/Muon V HLTrigger/JetMET V HLTrigger/Egamma V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/xchannel V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt4 with tags: V L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger V RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers V RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators V RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer V RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator; V RecoMuon/GlobalTrackFinder V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt5 with tags: V Utilities/ReleaseScripts V HLTrigger/Muon V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/JetMET V HLTrigger/HLTcore V HLTrigger/Configuration
10 HLT Egamma Efficiencies New HighEt paths
11 HLT Egamma Efficiencies
12 HLT Egamma Efficiencies