Launching Microsoft Smart Watch in Hong Kong
8 - 1 The Product Concept The watches, often referred to as SPOT wristwatches, are based on Microsoft's "Smart Personal Objects Technology" (SPOT). The watches, often referred to as SPOT wristwatches, are based on Microsoft's "Smart Personal Objects Technology" (SPOT). They are meant to be both fashionable and functional. They are meant to be both fashionable and functional.
8 - 2 The Product Concept
8 - 3 The Product Concept The Very Smart Watch The Very Smart Watch Smart Watches for MSN Direct combine technology and style to deliver personalized information with just a glance at wrist. MSN Direct teamed with leading watch manufacturers to design watches that are as fun as they are informative!
8 - 4 The Product Concept Personal channels on the watch Personal channels on the watch The information you receive on your watch is organized by channel. Similar to the channels on your television set, you see different types of information—such as news and weather— when you switch channels on your watch. You can customize the information that you see for each channel.
8 - 5 The Product Concept Activating MSN Direct service. Activating MSN Direct service. Just a few quick steps and you can immediately start enjoying the benefits of MSN Direct! Your Smart Watch for MSN Direct comes ready to receive national news, weather and a monthly calendar. If you upgrade your MSN Direct subscription, you can choose from additional channels, like sports scores, stock quotes and more!
8 - 6 The associated technology - Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) At the heart – the watches use wireless technology and FM frequencies to: At the heart – the watches use wireless technology and FM frequencies to: Provide a variety of information in “near real-time”. The information could include news headlines, sports scores, movie information, stock quotes, weather forecasts, as well as traffic reports, personal messages, and appointment reminders.
8 - 7 The promises of the product concept Commented by Cindy Spodek Dickey, Microsoft's group marketing manager for SPOT. Commented by Cindy Spodek Dickey, Microsoft's group marketing manager for SPOT. "Smart Watches with MSN Direct are a fun new way for people to get the information they care about delivered to an accessory they wear everyday," "Being part of this high-energy fashion show is a great venue to illustrate how technology and lifestyle products can merge in exciting and innovative ways. But, how to best position and promote the product remains a marketing challenage"
8 - 8 Motives for the strategic move One of Microsoft’s efforts to go “beyond the PC” One of Microsoft’s efforts to go “beyond the PC” An extension of the DataLink wristwatch, developed in conjunction with Timex – “noble failure”. An extension of the DataLink wristwatch, developed in conjunction with Timex – “noble failure”. The progression of computing platforms over time – from mainframes to PCs to PDAs to celluar phones…to PocketPCs…and next to “enhance devices that consumer already used in their everyday lives.” The progression of computing platforms over time – from mainframes to PCs to PDAs to celluar phones…to PocketPCs…and next to “enhance devices that consumer already used in their everyday lives.”
8 - 9 Pricing the product and its associated service Since the watches are fed data through an FM subcarrier that transmits weather, traffic, and other information over low-power FM frequencies, a subscription to MSN Direct is required. Since the watches are fed data through an FM subcarrier that transmits weather, traffic, and other information over low-power FM frequencies, a subscription to MSN Direct is required. Watch owners can choose between two subscription plans: $9.95 a month with the first month at no charge; or $59 for a full year. Watch owners can choose between two subscription plans: $9.95 a month with the first month at no charge; or $59 for a full year.
Marketing Research Project To be included To be included Relevant Market Situation Current situation Opportunities Problems
Marketing Research Project To be included (cont’d) To be included (cont’d) Identify management concern(s) Justify the need for marketing research Research questions and specific research objectives
Marketing Research Project To be included (cont’d) To be included (cont’d) Research design (exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal research) along with justification. Use of qualitative methods and reporting on results. Questionnaire design for a survey study. Sampling design Plan for descriptive data analysis.
Marketing Research Project One-page executive summary One-page executive summary Outline all of the aspects of the research project.
Potential use of your project information Decision making Decision making The strategic and marketing mix actions that appear to be viable solutions to the problem or decision situation that you have determined.