Asynchronous Communication via Facebook By: Justine Ide
What is Facebook? Social networking site –Available Worldwide –Built-in language capabilities –Comfortable Avenue of communication for students 85% of College Students are on Facebook Close to 300 million active users
Collection of Info on Events, Groups, and Friends on Campus
Components of a Profile: The Wall - Public messages between facebook friends - Comments on status
The Components of a Profile: Info - Share about yourself: basic information, personal information, contact information, occupation, schooling, groups -Learn about your friends by looking at their info
How do I join? Information: Name, , password, birthday, gender
Facebook “Friendship” -Look for friends in the Search Bar -Click “Add as Friend” and “Send Request” -A person must confirm friendship before you are allowed access to their information
Facebook “Friendship” and Security -You can deny or ignore friend requests from people you don’t know - Once you are someone’s friend they will see your information -You can remove a friendship or block another user at any time
Creating A Group Go to your groups, Click SEE ALL Scroll to the bottom of the page and click CREATE GROUP Create title and Info Invite your friends!
Create Events Type Events in the search bar Click CREATE EVENT near the top right corner Give title, location, time a picture and description Invite Friends
Create a Character Have students create profiles for characters in a story you’re reading for class Creative writing in their second language! Personal messages are great ways to critique grammar If you’re interested, see us!
Stay after if you’d like to join now