Data Locality CS 524 – High-Performance Computing
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS2 Motivating Example: Vector Multiplication 1 GHz processor (1 ns clock), 4 instructions per cycle, 2 multiply-add units (4 FPUs) 100 ns memory latency, no cache, 1 word transfer size Peak performance: 4/1 ns = 4 GFLOPS Performance on matrix-vector multiply After every 200 ns 2 floating point operations occur Performance = 1 / 100 ns = 10 MFLOPS
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS3 Motivating Example: Vector Multiplication Assume there is a 32 K cache with a 1 ns latency. 1 word cache line, optimal replacement policy Multiply 1 K vectors No. of floating point operations = 2 K (2n: n = size of vector) Latency to fill cache = 2 K * 100 ns = 200 micro sec Time to execute = 2 K / 4 * 1 ns = 0.5 micro sec Performance = 2 K / = about 10 MFLOPS No increase in performance! Why?
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS4 Motivating Example: Matrix-Matrix Multiply Assume the same memory system characteristics on the previous two slides Multiply two 32 x 32 matrices No. of floating point operations = 64 K (2n 3 : n = dim of matrix) Latency to fill cache = 2 K * 100 ns = 200 micro sec Time to execute = 64 K / 4 * 1 ns = 16 micro sec Performance = 64 K / 216 = about 300 MFLOPS Repeated use of data in cache helps improve performance: temporal locality
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS5 Motivating Example: Vector Multiply Assume same memory system characteristics on first slide (no cache) Assume 4 word transfer size (cache line size) Multiply two vectors Each access brings in four words of a vector In 200 ns, four words of each vector are brought in 8 floating point operations can be performed in 200 ns Performance: 8 / 200 ns = 40 MFLOPS Memory increased by the effective increase in memory bandwidth Spatial locality
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS6 Locality of Reference Application data space is often too large to all fit into cache Key is locality of reference Types of locality Register locality Cache-temporal locality Cache-spatial locality Attempt (in order of preference) to: Keep all data in registers Order algorithms to do all ops on a data element before it is overwritten in cache Order algorithms such that successive ops are on physically contiguous data
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS7 Single Processor Performance Enhancement Two fundamental issues Adequate op-level parallelism (to keep superscalar, pipelined processor units busy) Minimize memory access costs (locality in cache) Three useful techniques to improve locality of reference (loop transformations) Loop permutation Loop blocking (tiling) Loop unrolling
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS8 Access Stride and Spatial Locality Access stride: separation between successively accessed memory locations Unit access stride maximizes spatial locality (only one miss per cache line) 2-D arrays have different linearized representations in C and FORTRAN FORTRAN’s column-major representation favors column- wise access of data C’s representation favors row-wise access of data a d g b e h c f i abca d g Row major order (C ) Column major order (FORTRAN)
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS9 Matrix-Vector Multiply (MVM) do i = 1, N do j = 1, N y(i) = y(i)+A(i,j)*x(j) end do Total no. of references = 4N 2 Two questions: Can we predict the miss ratio of different variations of this program for different cache models? What transformations can we do to improve performance? Ax y j i j
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS10 Cache Model Fully associative cache (so no conflict misses) LRU replacement algorithm (ensures temporal locality) Cache size Large cache model: no capacity misses Small cache model: miss depending on problem size Cache block size 1 floating-point number b floating-point numbers
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS11 MVM: Dot-Product Form (Scenario 1) Loop order: i-j Cache model Small cache: assume cache can hold fewer than (2N+1) numbers Cache block size: 1 floating-point number Cache misses Matrix A: N 2 misses (cold misses) Vector x: N cold misses + N(N-1) capacity misses Vector y: N cold misses Miss ratio = (2N 2 + N)/4N 2 → 0.5
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS12 MVM: Dot-Product Form (Scenario 2) Cache model Large cache: cache can hold more than (2N+1) numbers Cache block size: 1 floating-point number Cache misses Matrix A: N 2 cold misses Vector x: N cold misses Vector y: N cold misses Miss ratio = (N 2 + 2N)/4N 2 → 0.25
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS13 MVM: Dot-Product Form (Scenario 3) Cache block size: b floating-point numbers Matrix access order: row-major access (C) Cache misses (small cache) Matrix A: N 2 /b cold misses Vector x: N/b cold misses + N(N-1)/b capacity misses Vector y: N cold misses Miss ratio = (1/2b +1/4N) → 1/2b Cache misses (large cache) Matrix A: N 2 /b cold misses Vector x: N/b cold misses Vector y: N/b cold misses Miss ratio = (1/4 +1/2N)*(1/b) → 1/4b
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS14 MVM: SAXPY Form do j = 1, N do i = 1, N y(i) = y(i) +A(i,j)*x(j) end do Total no. of references = 4N 2 Ayx j i j
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS15 MVM: SAXPY Form (Scenario 4) Cache block size: b floating-point numbers Matrix access order: row-major access (C) Cache misses (small cache) Matrix A: N 2 cold misses Vector x: N cold misses Vector y: N/b cold misses + N(N-1)/b capacity misses Miss ratio = 0.25(1 +1/b) + 1/4N → 0.25(1 + 1/b) Cache misses (large cache) Matrix A: N 2 cold misses Vector x: N/b cold misses Vector y: N/b cold misses Miss ratio = 1/4 +1/2Nb → 1/4
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS16 Loop Blocking (Tiling) Loop blocking enhances temporal locality by ensuring that data remain in cache until all operations are performed on them Concept Divide or tile the loop computation into chunks or blocks that fit into cache Perform all operations on block before moving to the next block Procedure Add outer loop(s) to tile inner loop computation Select size of the block so that you have a large cache model (no capacity misses, temporal locality maximized)
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS17 MVM: Blocked do bi = 1, N/B do bj = 1, N/B do i = (bi-1)*B+1, bi*B do j = (bj-1)*B+1, bj*B y(i) = y(i) + A(i, j)*x(j) A x y j i B B
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS18 MVM: Blocked (Scenario 5) Cache size greater than 2B + 1 floating-point numbers Cache block size: b floating-point numbers Matrix access order: row-major access (C) Cache misses per block Matrix A: B 2 /b cold misses Vector x: B/b Vector y: B/b Miss ratio = (1/4 +1/2B)*(1/b) → 1/4b Lesson: proper loop blocking eliminates capacity misses. Performance essentially becomes independent of cache size (as long as cache size is > 2B +1 fp numbers)
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS19 Access Stride and Spatial Locality Access stride: separation between successively accessed memory locations Unit access stride maximizes spatial locality (only one miss per cache line) 2-D arrays have different linearized representations in C and FORTRAN FORTRAN’s column-major representation favors column- wise access of data C’s representation favors row-wise access of data a d g b e h c f i abca d g Row major order (C ) Column major order (FORTRAN)
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS20 Access Stride Analysis of MVM c Dot-product form do i = 1, N do j = 1, N y(i) = y(i) + A(i,j)*x(j) end do c SAXPY form do j = 1, N do i = 1, N y(i) = y(i) + A(i,j)*x(j) end do Access stride for arrays Dot-product form CFortran A1N x11 y00 SAXPY form AN1 x00 y11
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS21 Loop Permutation Changing the order of nested loops can improve spatial locality Choose the loop ordering that minimizes miss ratio, or Choose the loop ordering that minimizes array access strides Loop permutation issues Validity: Loop reordering should not change the meaning of the code Performance: Does the reordering improve performance? Array bounds: What should be the new array bounds? Procedure: Is there a mechanical way to perform loop permutation? These are of primary concern in compiler design. We will discuss some of these issues when we cover dependences, from an application software developer’s perspective.
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS22 Matrix-Matrix Multiply (MMM) for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { for (k = 0; k < N; k++) C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[k][i]*B[k][j]; } } Access strides (C compiler: row-major) + Performance (MFLOPS) ijkjikikjkijjkikji C(i,j)0011NN A(k,i)NN0011 B(k,j)NN1100 P P suraj
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS23 Loop Unrolling Reduce number of iterations of loop but add statement(s) to loop body to do work of missing iterations Increase amount of operation-level parallelism in loop body Outer-loop unrolling changes the order of access of memory elements and could reduce number of memory accesses and cache misses do i = 1, 2n do j = 1, m loop-body(i,j) end do do i = 1, 2n, 2 do j = 1, m loop-body(i,j) loop-body(i+1, j) End do
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS24 MVM: Dot-Product 4-Outer Unrolled Form /* Assume n is a multiple of 4 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i+=4) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { y[i] = y[i] + A[i][j]*x[j]; y[i+1] = y[i+1] + A[i+1][j]*x[j]; y[i+2] = y[i+2] + A[i+2][j]*x[j]; y[i+3] = y[i+3] + A[i+3][j]*x[j]; } Performance (MFLOPS) 32 x x 1024 P P suraj
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS25 MVM: SAXPY 4-Outer Unrolled Form /* Assume n is a multiple of 4 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j+=4) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { y[i] = y[i] + A[i][j]*x[j] + A[i][j+1]*x[j+1] + A[i][j+2]*x[j+2] + A[i][j+3]*x[j+3]; } Performance (MFLOPS) 32 x x 1024 P P suraj3.58.6
CS 524 (Au 05-06)- Asim LUMS26 Summary Loop permutation Enhances spatial locality C and FORTRAN compilers have different access patterns for matrices resulting in different performances Performance increases when inner loop index has the minimum access stride Loop blocking Enhances temporal locality Ensure that 2B is less than cache size Loop unrolling Enhances superscalar, pipelined operations