Health Care and Insurance St Cloud State University International Health Insurance Plan
Health Care and Insurance Who MUST have Insurance? F-1 and J-1 students and scholars sponsored by St Cloud State University. Entire time as SCSU F1/J1 students or scholars
Health Care and Insurance Why you MUST have Insurance? Required by St Cloud State University (SCSU) and United States (US) visa regulations. Health care in the US is very expensive. Not subsidized by government. University not responsible for your health care expenses. The only exception is if your government agrees to pay all of the medical bills while the student attends school. Letter from Embassy showing full health coverage. Students may be responsible for purchasing SCSU health insurance until official proof of insurance is provided.
Health Care and Insurance Getting Health Care
Health Care and Insurance For EMERGENCIES (life-threatening illness/Injury or potential for permanent disability)!!!! Call 911. Notifies Fire Department, Ambulance, and Police. Wait for Ambulance to arrive. OR Go to the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital.
Health Care and Insurance Emergency Room (ER) Always Open
Health Care and Insurance For Non-Emergency covered services 1.Go to the Student Health Services first (SHS). You will pay $0 before the insurance pays bills. * If you go to ER or any other doctor first, you will pay $50 (deductible) before the insurance pays for bills + additional 20% of total covered services (clinic and pharmacy). 2.Get a referral from SHS if you need to see additional doctors ( With an SHS referral your deductible should only be $ %). 3.Boynton Health Center at the U of M or $10 copay for covered services. 4.Preferred Provider Network (within the USA) YOUR COST $50 deductible + 20% total bill for covered services: Enter Search Criteria (select Physician or Hospital/Facility) Select Specialty (select location) View Results
Health Care and Insurance CIS Center for International Studies SCSU SHS Student Health Services Appointments: Hours: (Fall/Spring) Mon – Thurs 8:00AM -5:30PM Fri 9:00AM -4:30PM * Call for availability during breaks. **Closed Weekends, Evenings, & Holidays
Health Care and Insurance How Insurance Works 1.Pay premium before semester begins. 2.Seek the medical attention for an illness or accident. 3.Tell them you have Student Insurance. 4.The doctor/hospital will bill Student Insurance. 5.Student Insurance may ask for additional information. 6.Student Insurance will determine how much they must pay and how much you will have to pay. 7.If you owe money, you will receive a bill from the doctor/hospital.
Health Care and Insurance Coverage Highlights (for covered services) In-patient (hospital stay). Outpatient (visit doctor and return home the same day). Pregnancy and childbirth (unless pregnancy began before enrollment ). Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Mental health and drug or alcohol abuse Prescription drugs.
Health Care and Insurance NOT covered or strictly limited? (Partial list) Checkups, immunizations, or diagnostic tests for anyone without symptoms (unless noted under Student Health Service Information). Dental care (unless injury to sound natural tooth). Eye exams or eyeglasses/contacts. Medicine not prescribed by doctor. SCSU Health Services Pharmacy has some over-the-counter (OTC) drugs at reduced prices.
Health Care and Insurance How to Pay for SCSU International Health Insurance
Health Care and Insurance Cost InsuredAnnualSpring/SmrSummer Student$872$540$253 Spouse$2611$1617$758 Each Child$1606$994$466 Rates have risen each year. Prices are for 10/11 policy year.