Assistance and support for ITN applicants Workshop at University of Limerick, 5 June 2008 Dr. Dagmar M. Meyer Marie Curie National Contact Point


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Presentation transcript:

Assistance and support for ITN applicants Workshop at University of Limerick, 5 June 2008 Dr. Dagmar M. Meyer Marie Curie National Contact Point

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation2 Overview Marie Curie Contacts in Ireland and European Network of ‘People’ NCPs FP7 National Support Structure and Irish FP7 portal Financial support to FP7 applicants (Enterprise Ireland & IDA) Meeting room facilities in Brussels Irish Researcher Mobility Office and Portal

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation3 Marie Curie contacts in Ireland IUA Marie Curie Office – National Contact Point Dr. Dagmar Meyer Dr. Conor O’Carroll (0) Enterprise Ireland – National Contact Point Focus on Industry - Bill Kee +353-(0)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation4 How can we help you? Info days, workshops and special sessions at other events (also on demand if sufficient participants) Customized one-to-one support –Discussion of project ideas –Advice on eligibility and other technical issues –Pre-submission proposal checks (feedback on draft proposals, first-come first-served) –Assistance at negotiation and implementation stage (e.g. financial issues, reporting,...)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation5 “Direct line” to Commission Clarification of specific queries and issues on a case-by-case basis Recommendation as expert evaluators –Register as expert through FP7 website on CORDIS –Contact your Research Officer or equivalent to be recommended by IUA Feedback to Commission on your experiences (good and bad!)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation6 European Network of NCPs Help with partner search for your project –Directly through other NCP if looking for a partner in specific country –Through Irish NCP for more general searches List of European NCPs at (choose “Mobility” for the Marie Curie NCP)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation7 FP7 National Support Structure and Irish FP7 Portal National network of FP7 NCPs (all areas) –Support to applicants across thematic areas National FP7 Portal at –Information on calls, events and other relevant news –Register to receive updates in your areas of interest

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation8 EI support for FP7 applicants: travel grants Enterprise Ireland travel support: –For researchers in higher education / publicly funded institutions –For visits by Irish researchers abroad to meet potential partners or attend EU information events relating to FP7 –Covers least-cost travel plus subsistence rates up to € 150 per day (typical length of visits: three days) –Any one researcher can receive up to € 3,000 during FP7 to facilitate multiple visits to research partners (open to discussion!)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation9 EI support for FP7 applicants: coordination grants Enterprise Ireland coordinator support: –For researchers in higher education / publicly funded institutions –To facilitate preparatory work leading to a proposal for the coordination of any research project under FP7 –Grants up to a maximum of € 25,000 –For coordinator least cost travel and subsistence expenses, costs for consortium meetings, employment of researcher for short-term analysis, professional services for proposal preparation, strategy development and planning, …

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation10 EI support for FP7 applicants: feasibility studies Enterprise Ireland financial support for companies: –Covers company negotiations with research partners and/or preparation of joint R&D proposal for FP7 Salaries & overheads (30% of salaries) Travel & subsistence Consultancy fees –Covers all areas (incl. Social Sciences etc.) –Grants up to a max of € 25,000 (with equal investment by the company) –All EI client companies eligible, in particular SMEs –IDA has similar scheme for their clients

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation11 Support for FP7 applicants - web links More details on Enterprise Ireland FP7 support schemes and application form: IDA support scheme for companies:

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation12 Meeting room facilities in Brussels Irish Liaison Office for EU RTD meeting room bookings: Catriona Ward EU R&D Liaison Office Park Leopold Rue Wiertz 50 Wiertzstraat Bruxelles 1050 Brussel Tel. +32 (0)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation13 Irish Researchers Mobility Office and Portal Office part of the European EURAXESS Services Network (formerly known as ERA-MORE network) –Support to institutions recruiting foreign researchers –In particular, regarding Third Country Researchers: Assistance related to hosting agreements Help in case of problems with visas, work permits etc. Irish and European EURAXESS Portals (formerly known as Researcher Mobility Portals) –Advertising of vacancies, access to researcher profiles Practical support to foreign researchers coming to Ireland, and Irish researchers going abroad

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation14 Links to the Mobility Portals European Researcher Mobility Portal: Irish Researcher Mobility Portal