重力與廣義相對論 東海大學物理系‧施奇廷 2015/6/13
自然科學概論 What is Gravitation? Claudius Ptolemy (85 ~ 165)
自然科學概論 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473~1543) 1.There is no one centre in the universe. 2.The Earth's centre is not the centre of the universe. 3.The centre of the universe is near the sun. 4.The distance from the Earth to the sun is imperceptible compared with the distance to the stars. 5.The rotation of the Earth accounts for the apparent daily rotation of the stars. 6.The apparent annual cycle of movements of the sun is caused by the Earth revolving round it. 7.The apparent retrograde motion of the planets is caused by the motion of the Earth from which one observes. 1514, Little Commentary
自然科學概論 Tycho Brahe (1546~1601) “ The square of the year of a planet is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun. ” ~ 1609, “ On the Motion of Mars ”
自然科學概論 Johannes Kepler ( )
自然科學概論 Galileo Galilei (1564~1642)
自然科學概論 Isaac Newton (1642~1727)
自然科學概論 Albert Einstein (1879~1955) General Relativity
自然科學概論 General Relativity 你無法分辨以下兩種情況: 身處於重力場中 身處於加速度運動的系統中
自然科學概論 光在重力場中會被彎曲
自然科學概論 彎曲多少? 若電梯寬度為 L ,加速度為 g ,在光線由左到右其間, 電梯上升了 h 整個過程耗費時間: t=L/c h = gt 2 /2 = gL 2 /(2c 2 ) 偏折角度:
自然科學概論 重力透鏡 (Gravitational Lenz) M: 太陽質量 = 1.989×10 30 kg r: 太陽半徑 = 6.96×10 8 m G: 重力常數 = 6.67× Nm 2 kg -2
自然科學概論 Gravitational Time Dilation 重力也會讓時間變慢 考慮以下系統:
自然科學概論 Proof of Gravitational Time Dilation Pound & Rebka Experiment (1959)
自然科學概論 Curvature of the Spacetime
自然科學概論 When the Light is Trapped …… Black Hole!
自然科學概論 Wormhole, WARP, Time- Machines ……
自然科學概論 Example …… Carl Sagen (1935 – 1996)