Public Policy’s Role in Reducing Obesity Bursting Out of Our Seams: Confronting the Challenge of Obesity in Our Communities By Kennedy Ganti, MD Health Policy Fellow To Dr. Herb Conaway, MD Chairman, Health and Senior Services Committee, New Jersey General Assembly
2 Overview Health Policy Options Leading States New Jersey- the challenges
3 Key Policy options Nutritional interventions –Nutritional Standards for School foods and beverages –Nutritional Education Physical activity and wellness –School wellness programs –Physical education/physical activity programs Diabetes screening and management –Diabetes screening programs –Diabetes management Awareness programs –Mass media campaigns to raise awareness of
4 Key Policy options (2) Measurement issues –Measurement of BMI Taxation –Putting taxes on foods of minimal nutritional value in schools
5 The state leaders State summary Key leaders –West Virginia –California –Colorado –Illinois –Kansas –Maine –Massachusetts –Missouri –New Mexico –New York –South Carolina –Texas
New Jersey's challenge
7 State action thus far Nutritional standards –Considered in Legislature –Implemented by Department of Agriculture Measuring Body Mass Index- current legislation- isolated measure- more needs to be done.
8 Fiduciary Conundrum The state is experiencing heavy financial pressures with property tax relief highest on the legislative agenda There have been significant cuts to education School systems are having to reduce the amount of physical education training How to work other solutions to compensate for the loss of physical educatoin/activity?