Multiplication terms multiplier: 4 multiplicand:3 product:12 factors: 4 and 3 are factors of 12 multiple: 12 is a multiple of 4 12 is a multiple of 3
Multiplication Models Repeated addition Area Cartesian product a1a1 a2a2 a3a3
Figure 3.13
Units For addition and subtraction 3 hours plus 5 miles For multiplication 8 miles per hour for 5 hours: how many miles? 8 mi 5 hr = 40 mi hr
Multiplication Properties Identity Zero Commutative Associative
Multiplication Properties continued: Distributive property-- combines multiplication and addition or subtraction
Class Notes--Vidoes In general, watch the videos, and try to notice: a) what is the child doing? b) mathematically, what is going on? c) mathematically, why is it correct or incorrect.
The area model and the standard multiplication algorithm
Figure 3.20
Figure 3.21
Figure 3.22
Expanded vs compacted ExpandedCompacted
Multiplication-the area model How could Jemea’s strategy be represented using the rectangular area model?
Understanding FOIL