Concept Map – whatwhat, why and how?whyhow
What is Concept Mapping ? Concept mapping is a technique for representing knowledge in graphs. Knowledge graphs are networks of concepts. Networks consist of nodes (points) and links. Nodes represent concepts and links represent the relations between concepts. Concepts and links... can be simply associative, specified or divided in categories such as causal or temporal relations.
Why Concept Map? to generate ideas (brain storming, etc.); to design a complex structure (of a long texts or large web sites, etc.); to organize and compare complex ideas; 適合整合與比較不同文本的概念。 to aid learning by explicitly integrating new and old knowledge; to assess understanding or diagnose misunderstanding.
Why Concept Map in World Literatures in English? Being in an ‘ ill-structured ’ knowledge domain, the cultural texts and issues we discuss are interrelated in many different ways; To generate and organize ideas (brain storming, etc.) by yourself and/or with your group helps remember and clarify the ideas you have; To organize and communicate complex ideas in between these texts/issues helps formulate a map which you can later add to and revise. To describe and explain to the whole class your CMap will help the whole form and revise our concepts maps.
Process of Making a CMap 1. 參考課程資料、筆記,將重點全部列出, 並把所聯想到的其它概念或經驗也一併 寫出。 2. 將所有寫出的概念依重要性順序排列。 3. 選出最重要及概括性的概念置於頂端。 4. 將列表中認為是次重要並與前項概念有關 的列於其下,並畫上連接線。 5. 思考兩者之間的關聯,並在其中填入簡略 詞語表達此關係。
Process of Making a CMap (2) 6. 選出另一個重要並有關的概念,考慮其與關 連主觀念和次觀念之間的關連。然後加上垂直 ﹙表達從屬﹚或水平﹙表達對等﹚的線連接,並以簡略 詞語表達。 8. 持續進行前述步驟,直到列表中所有概念均 被填入圖中。 9. 檢視所有圖中概念,是否合理的連接。如有 不清楚或混淆的地方,再思考與其它概念間關係 並重新安排。 10. 根據這份圖,在課堂上口頭或以文章書寫出 想法,以讓建構的圖形架構再一次轉換成文字, 強化對新知識的敘述表達。
How in our class 1. Required: (due mid-term week) Connecting to the Big Wide World by connecting one of the texts covered in class and one not covered 2. Optional: used to organize the concepts presented in your group report.
Our example—unfinished -- webpage webpage
References /cm_home.htm /cm_home.htm IHMC Cmap Tools