English 100 Mentoring Faculty Orientation August 16, 2007
Overview Background, Agendas Evolution of the Initiative F06 Pilot Sections and Bruland’s analysisBruland’s analysis WASC Proposal Curricular Innovation, FY Experience, Retention S07 Pilot Sections and collaborative analysiscollaborative analysis
Guidelines and Infrastructure Mentors’Job Descriptions, Other Orientation Items General Education FW Hallmarks Website Mentoring Logs Mentors’ Resources USB pens for logging work and reaching resources Composition Books To model note-taking in class To log ideas for working with students To see themselves as Composition researchers
Suggestions for Your Collaboration Discuss the role(s) you want the mentor to play in your classroom Observing and taking notes; participating in discussions; facilitating peer groups; leading 1/2 of class occasionally; teaching a lesson (later in the semester) other? Meet with the mentor face to face occasionally … a set time?
Suggestions for Your Collaboration, 2 Ask your mentor for observations on perceived trends across the class Include incentives for students to meet with the mentor in your syllabus Intake interviews mandatory … Standard operating procedure? Aim for different kinds of meetings for different stages of writing Extra credit?
Additional Resources English Department’s FW Renewal CD, displaying varieties of ways in which faculty meet the hallmarks in their English 100 classes JH available for three-way brainstorming and planning with your mentor