NCDA Team Resin Flow Controller n Customer: Dr. Suresh Advani n Advisor: Dr. Lian-Ping Wang n Team Members: –Anthony Ripanti –Joshua Radice –Frank Puchino –Keith Poppiti –John Choi
Customers n Dr. Suresh Advani: UD ME n Bruce Fink: ARL/CCM n Emanuele Gillio: UD ME n Simon Bickerton: UD ME n Jeremy Garey: CCM Technician n Jim Bradley: CCM Technician n Dr. Kirstenbalm: Boeing Technician
Background n Seamann Composite Resin Injection Molding Process (SCRIMP) –Advantages low cost quick for large parts –Limitations automation difficult lack of flow control
Problem Description n Flow Rate Control –Multiple inlet timing difficult Dry patches –Co-Injection Process Resin mixing
Mission n To design, assemble, and test a device that is cost effective, automated, and easy to use, to control the flow rate of resin for use in the SCRIMP process by April, 1998.
Wants Constraints n Automation n Multiple Injections n LabVIEW Controlled n SmartWeave n Short Reaction Time n Portable n Easy to Machine n Gentle on Tube n Variable Tube Size n Non-Invasive n Non-collapsing tube n Full Spectrum Flow Rate n Computer Controlled n Cost < $2000
Quality Metrics n WantsMetrics –Automation Hands-free operation –Multiple Injections Number of Ports (>2) –LabVIEW Controlled Use of Software –SmartWeave Compatability –Short Reaction Time Reaction Time (5 sec) –Portable Weight (<40lbs, OSHA) –Easy to Machine Time, Cost (2 weeks, $1000) –Gentle on Tube Yield Strength –Variable Tube Size Tube Diameter Range (<5/8”)
Benchmarking n Flow Regulation Systems n Measurement Techniques n Data Acquisition Methods n Tubing
Concept Generation –Electronic Control Valve –Motor-Vise Mechanism –Motor-Cam Mechanism –Paper Cutter –Crimping Mechanism –Height Adjuster –Camera Lens
Concept Selection n Concept –Electrc Control Valve –Motor-Vise Mechanism –Motor-Cam Mechanism –Paper Cutter –Crimping Mechanism –Height Adjuster –Camera Lens n SSD Rating –94 / 100 –87 / 100 –86 / 100 –75 / 100 –50 / 100 –-5 / 100 –-47 / 100
Electronic Control Valve n An external computer generates signals to control the current output from a data acquisition card which adjusts the pinch increment of the valve –Cost-effective: <$1000 –No fabrication necessary –Compatible with LabVIEW –Accurate to.001 in.
Evaluation and Testing n Theory (Darcy’s Law, etc.) n Test Set-up and Procedure n Test Results (graphs, charts, etc.) n Modifications n Recommendations (1-D to 2-D, non- Newtonian fluid, permeability of preform, pressure transducer)
Theory n Darcy’s Law –Approximates resin flow as 1-D –Relationship between dp/dt and Q
Testing and Results n Perform test to determine flow characteristics –Flow Rate vs. Output Current –Output Current vs. Injection Pressure at Specific Flow Rate –Output Current as a Function of Time to produce a constant flow rate
Recommendations n 1-D to 2-D flow modeling n Model as non-Newtonian fluid n Acquire more data about permeability n Use pressure transducer
Budget n Initial –$ n Actual –$ n Engineering Development & Testing Time –~100hrs/member
Itemized Budget n Electronically Controlled Pinch Valve –$ n DC Power Supply –$ n Neoprene Tubing (50ft) –$ n Other (CCM)