Laurie Rardin, RTC Coordinator Dartmouth Superfund Research Program Research Translation Core Presentation to the NH Association of Realtors April 22, 2011
1986, SARA, SRP, NIEHS SRP is a coordinated effort with EPA Network of university grants supporting research to protect human health and the environment Program Background…
“O.K., let’s slowly lower in the grant money.”
Project 2 Josh Hamilton Arsenic as an Endocrine Disruptor Project 4 Margaret Karagas Arsenic Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Exposure Assessment Project 7 Celia Chen/Carol Folt Transfer Trophic Transfer of Mercury in Aquatic Food Webs Project 8 Bruce Statnton Arsenic and the Ubiquitin Lysosomal Pathway Project 9 Mary Lou Guerinot/ Tracy Punshon Arsenic Uptake, Transport and Storage in Plants Core E Jason Moore Integrative Biology Core B Brian Jackson Trace Elements Research Translation Research Translation
Dartmouth has one of the longest running Superfund Research Programs in the country.
Arsenic and Human Disease Chronic (2-20 years) exposure to NONTOXIC levels of arsenic (no overt or immediate symptoms) has been linked to increased risk of: Cancer: Lung, skin, bladder, liver, kidney, and prostate Diabetes (Type II, adult onset,~10-fold increase with arsenic exposure) Learning disabilities in children Heart disease Reproductive and developmental problems Mechanism of disease: Not clear Images: Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, 2005
Arsenic in water from public bedrock wells in New England – data from New England states NAWQA Program 7
In Small Doses: Arsenic > 1100 hits on YouTube
New Hampshire Arsenic Consortium February 16, 2011/Dartmouth College MEETING GOALS: Bring Stakeholders together as follow-up to Red River Theatre Event Share information about the latest research, regulations and community needs concerning arsenic as an environmental contaminant. Develop a list of top priorities for moving forward with an arsenic agenda. Representation from: USGS, NH DES, NH DHHS, National Groundwater Assoc., Plymouth State University, Holderness Conservation Commission, Dartmouth SRP
Continue Annual Meetings of NH Arsenic Consortium Build a centralized website with additional detailed information on testing, remediation costs and follow-up for well-owners. Partner with Targeted Organizations to Promote Well Water Testing and Risk Message: American Academy of Pediatrics (and state equivalent?); Pediatric Health Specialty Units; NH Public Health Association, NH Association of Realtors; Mortgage Bankers Association Update Well Water Remediation Survey NEXT STEPS….