Goat Reproduction 3116 Emily Green
Factors Influencing the Reproduction Cycle 1. Duration of the heat period (estrus). 2. Duration of the heat interval (estrous 3. Time of ovulation in relation to heat. 4. Gestation period for pregnant females.
Reproduction Heat Interval (estrous) Time between heat periods 21 days Heat Period (estrus) Time when female is receptive of a male 2-3 days Signs of heat: restlessness, bleating, bossiness, frequent urination, flagging tail and a swollen, red or wet vulva.
Reproduction Ovulation A discharge of eggs from the ovary Occurs near the end of a heat period (estrus) Gestation 5 months, days
Reproduction Seasonal Breeders Triggered by decreasing daylight Bred in late summer-early winter Twins are most common. Singles and triplets not unusual.