1 Pertemuan ke 6 Pref. Okayama dan Tottori Matakuliah: N0572/Image of Japan Tahun: 2006 Versi: versi revisi
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mengembangkan pengetahuan mengenai Pref. Okayama dan Pref. Tottori
3 Okayama
4 Okayama Okayama (ōkä`yämä), city (1990 pop. 593,730), capital of Okayama prefecture, SW Honshu, Japan, on an inlet of the Inland Sea. It is a railroad hub and industrial and marketing center. Machinery, cotton textiles, chemicals, and rubber goods are produced in Okayama. The city has a 16th-century feudal castle, an 18th- century park, and Okayama Univ., which has a famous medical college. Okayama prefecture (1990 pop. 1,925,913), 2,721 sq mi (7,047 sq km), which relies mainly on agriculture.
5 Okayama Okayama is where the story of Momotarou (Peach Boy) takes place! This is one of the most popular Japanese stories, and everyone in Japan knows Momotarou! Everywhere in Okayama, you will find Momotarou and peach-themed souvenirs. Momotarou can also be found on buildings, small statues/monuments, and just about anywhere else all over the prefecture. Since Momotarou is "peach boy", Okayama has also become the best place to buy peaches in Japan. Even the peaches you buy in other regions are likely to come from Okayama. If you're in Okayama, you must try the peaches! They really are delicious and juicy! Thank you, Okayama, for Momotarou!
6 Okayama Okayama City, the capital of Okayama Prefecture, is famous for Korakuen Garden and Okayama Castle and the legend of Momotarou (Peach Boy). It is located about halfway between Hiroshima and Osaka on Honshu and it is a little over half the size of Hiroshima with a population of over 637,000 people.
7 Okayama Okayama's most famous festival, Saidai-ji Eyo (Naked Festival), is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of February. Held at the Kannon-in Temple in the southeast of the city, the main event is a mad scramble by men wearing only a traditional loin cloth for possession of two sacred rods (shingi) that are tossed out by the priests at midnight.
8 Okayama Okayama Castle or Crow Castle is a shadow of its former self but it's still worth a look. The reformist Meiji government ( ) authorized the demolition of the outer castle buildings with great cries of poverty in With outer walls and buildings demolished, allied bombing raids on June 29th, 1945 burned all but one turret to the ground. The moon-viewing turret (Tsukimi Yagura) is the only building which survives from before modernization.