See the world! Fund your education! Be a part of something extraordinary! Imagine where Co-op will take you! Find out more at: or Visit us at AH154
Did you know? Grads with Co-operative Education Degrees: Are more competitive with grad and professional school applications Are hired faster Are retained at higher starting salaries Have lower student debt Require less initial training
Did you know? Co-operative Education Students: Experience real-world application of their discipline Find challenging and relevant paid work experience Build a network of valuable business contacts Develop job search skills Make informed career choices
Where will you work? Here’s just a sample of our employers… Autonomy Blue Sky Spectroscopy Canada Revenue Agency Communication Security Establishment Electronic Arts (EA Games) Export Development Canada Integrated Informatics / IBM MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates Ltd. Microsoft National Research Council Canada Research In Motion Shell / Suncor / Syncrude Statistics Canada Telvent / Triumf
See the world! Fund your education! Be a part of something extraordinary! Imagine where Co-op will take you! Find out more at: or Visit us at AH154