Source: UNDP HDR 2004, p. 128
Source: UNDP HDR 2004, p. 134
High human development group LE at birthGDPLifeEdGDP HD US$IndexIndexIndexIndex 1 Norway , Sweden , Australia , Canada , Netherlands , Belgium , Iceland , U.S , Japan , Ireland ,
Agenda ► Questions? Assignment 1? ► Review
How do we measure Human Development? ► A composite measure… Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools GDP per capita converted to US$ PPP ► Convert to indices and combine to HDI
GNP vs. GDP ► GNP is total value of good and services produced by Canadians at home or abroad, excludes returns of non-residents on capital invested in Canada ► GDP is total value of good and services produced by Canadians or non-Canadians in Canada, excludes returns from Canadian investment abroad
Today Test 1, October 6 Interdependence in a Global Economy ► From the Atlantic to the Pacific ► Trade ► Core and Periphery in a World System
Test 1, October 6 ► 50 minutes, a progress report ► Three sections: ► Multiple Choice ► Fill in blank ► One paragraph answer 20=40 Foreign language dictionary OK Calculator OK Calculator OK Pencil for MC, pen for FiB, OPA Pencil for MC, pen for FiB, OPA
Global Orientation ► Historic Atlantic Alliance Colonial ties European emigration Trade ties Points of attachment ► US-Canadian contrast NATO, Treaty of Washington, 1949
Global Orientation ► Pacific Rim Recent shift Little consensus on definition An alliance?
Trade as a Measure of Global Interdependence ► One measure ► Goods and services
70% of world trade
Canada’s International Trade Balance, 2001 ($ 000,000) Source: Statistics Canada 2003, Cansim II Table 228
Pacific Rim US “is functioning in the traditional role of a Third World country” with Pacific rim (p. 61) US “is functioning in the traditional role of a Third World country” with Pacific rim (p. 61) ► Large US deficit with Japan ► NICs, 4 little tigers, and ► One big lion…