Internet Safety for You and Your Students A presentation for the North Woods Partnership By Edie Miles February 7, 2007 The quote below is adapted from the permission used on Bernie Dodge’s WebQuest page and should also work for this presentation. You can delete this textbox when you make your changes. "We all benefit by being generous with our work. Permission is hereby granted for other educators to copy this PowerPoint presentation, update or otherwise modify it, and post it elsewhere provided that the original author's name is retained in the bibliography, along with a link back to the original URL where you downloaded this file. On the line after the original author's name, you may add 'Modified by (your name) on (date)'.
Working Together Students Staff Parents
iSafety for Students
iSafety for Students Follow the Rules Whether they are rules set by the school or your parents, please follow the rules that will help protect you. MSAD #41 Acceptable Use Policy MSAD #41 Student Rules
iSafety for Students Protect Your Information Internet privacy consists of privacy over the media of the Internet: the ability to control what information one reveals about oneself over the Internet, and to control who can access that information. Tracking Teresa Password Rap
iSafety for Students Protect Your Computer Do not leave your computer on and logged in Password protect your computer Do not share your passwords Create strong passwords Create a password similar to what you want to use and check it on the site below. Password checker
iSafety for Students Cyber-bullying Cyber-bullying (cyberbullying, online bullying) is the use of electronic information and communication devices such as , instant messaging, text messages, mobile phones, pagers and defamatory websites to bully or otherwise harass an individual or group through personal attacks or other means, and it may constitute a computer crime. Stop Bullying NowStop Bullying Now Video Take the Quiz
iSafety for Students Surf Safely What does it mean to Surf Safely? Earn your license FBI Internet Tips Online Safety Quiz
l S A E F T Y individual student awareness for every time you are online iSafety
We Can Stay Safe Together Return to: Students Staff Parents
NetSmartz - Ask Dr. Sharon iSafety for Parents
Monitor your child’s online behavior. Keep your family computer in a highly visible, common area, like the family room or the kitchen - NOT in your child’s bedroom Check out the stats iSafety for Parents
Give your child guidance Set rules for computer use Can you create rules together? What should they be?
Communicate with your children. Ask your children to show you what sites they go to, and be open and willing to discuss the inappropriate material they might come across. iSafety for Parents
Harassment Harassment is harassment, online or off. If someone is engaging in illegal activity involving your children, such as threatening their safety or exposing them to unnecessary danger, they may be in violation of the law. iSafety for Parents
Safety Tips View A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety iSafety for Parents
Be Proactive If someone is posting anything about your child online, especially personal information, it is important to contact your Internet Service Provider. iSafety for Parents
Resources You Can Use iSafe NetSmartz American Library Association Internet SafetyAmerican Library Association Internet Safety Microsoft - Protect Your FamilyMicrosoft - Protect Your Family StaySafeOnline WiredKids
We Can Stay Safe Together Return to: Students Staff Parents
iSafety for Staff
iSafety for Staff Ensuring Safety Literacy Matters 1.Safety Factors 2.Potential Pitfalls 3.Guidelines and Policies
iSafety for Staff Acceptable Use Policies Know what they are and where you can find them. Examples available from MSAD #41: Student Staff
iSafety for Staff Monitor Walk around the room Apple Remote Desktop Locate students so screens are viewable Keep students engaged with their work
iSafety for Staff Secure Your Computer Lock your room Do not leave your computer on and logged in Password protect your computer Do not share your passwords Create strong passwords Create a password similar to what you want to use and check it on the site below. Password checker
iSafety for Staff Secure Your Data Lock your room Do not leave your computer on and logged in Password protect your computer Do not leave your laptop in a vehicle Do not share your passwords Create strong passwords Protect your portable information (CD back ups, key drives) Story on Laptop Theft
iSafety for Staff Do not leave your computer on and logged in Create strong passwords Do not save your password Do not use student names in s Delete s from unknown sources Do not open attachments unless you are expecting it
iSafety for Staff Viruses Let the tech coordinator know if you do not have anti-virus loaded on your computer Do not open from unknown sources Run a virus scan weekly Unplug your computer from the network and contact the tech coordinator if you suspect you have a virus
Electronic Pledges and Brochures National Crime Prevention CouncilNational Crime Prevention Council NetSmartz Safety PledgeNetSmartz Safety Pledge American Library Association Internet SafetyAmerican Library Association Internet Safety
We Can Stay Safe Together Return to: Students Staff Parents
American Library Association Internet Safety. FBI Internet Guide for Parents. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2007, from FBI Internet Safety Tips. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2007 from iSafe. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Literacy Matters. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, McGruff Internet Safety Pledge. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Microsoft - Protect Your Family. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, National Crime Prevention Council. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, NetSmartz. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, PBS Web License. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Stop Bullying Now. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Wikipedia. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Wired Kids. (n.d.) Retrieved February 10, 2007 from, Miles, E.M. (2007). Internet Safety for You and Your Students. Retrieved month day, year, from source. BIBLIOGRAPHY