Completed Design Review Team Airblade Timothy Davenport Brian Guerrero Mark Kastantin Oscar Kataura William Peters Robert Taylor
Overview Structural Changes since PDR Description of Finalized Design Design analysis: Stability and control Calculations: mass, payload, course completion time, etc. Timeline
Structural Changes since PDR Trapezoidal cross-section >> triangular cross- section Sides of craft: balsa boards >> triangular truss Pitch propeller moved further forward
Side View inches 3.94 in 3.75 in 3.19 in Large motors with servos Small motor Stabilizer
Top View inches 3.75 in payload battery / control note: balloons removed from view
Front View 72º
Structural Specifics Propulsion: 1 large propeller at front end, 1 large propeller at back end Pitch: 1 small motor at front end Triangular truss for slanted sides, ladder design for top side 2 meters long, 8.5 meters wide. Balloons attached at front end, midpoint and back end.
Materials zBalsa wood (3/8 inch squares) z2 large motors z2 large propellers z1 small motor z1 small propeller z2 servos z1 battery pack z1 radio control module z3 balloons with attachments (string) zwire 1.Balloons and string are not included in mass calculations 2.Wire is included in the mass of the other equipment
Balsa Wood Length zEach side piece requires 40 pieces (3.75 inches each) zTop piece requires 20 pieces (3.75 inches each) z3 pieces run the length of the structure (2 m each, or inches) zLength Calculation = 3.75(40(2)+20)+(3)78.74 = inches
Mass Calculation
Roll Stability zBalloons are tied to bottom beam and top crossbars minimizing horizontal pull zAll weight is centered on bottom beam Motor, propeller mass Battery, radio control mass Balloon lift
Pitch Stability zLift distributed evenly zSmall motor provides pitch needed to maintain flight Variable
Propulsion zTwo large motors running at 9.6V provides 2(0.79) = 1.58 N zDrag = 1.58 N (at steady state) Drag Motor thrust
Drag and Velocity This means the blimp should be moving at a fast walking speed. Drag coefficient for a sphere
Turning zThe large motors work in tandem zTorque = (2)(39in)( m/in)(0.79 N) = 1.57 N/m payload battery / control Center of mass inches 3.75 in payload battery / control
Battery Life zOne battery pack providing of lifetime zTime of completion of race track Ample lifetime for completion
Timeline zUp to this point we have the truss structure complete and have attached the servos zFor the rest of the time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Week 1 Attach motors to structure Week 2 Complete Wiring Attach Balloons Test Fly and Week 3 Optimize Trials
Conclusion zSo far the project has proceeded smoothly zAnticipate weight problems that will be fixed by sanding the structure zWe feel we have a strong structure with great turning potential zReady to finish building and get flying