From Nuclei to Neutrinos The Naming of the Denys Wilkinson Building 21 June 2002 Nick Jelley
d d 29 MeV 3 He on 14 N 1962 The Optical Model
MeV p 3H3H d 3 He 4 He Particle Identification EE E
40 MeV protons on carbon 1967 p d 3H3H 4 He 114 MeV 12 C beam on carbon 1974
Selectivity in Heavy-Ion Reactions Excitation Probability High Spin Low Spin 114 MeV 12 C and 11 B beams on carbon
40 Ca( 16 O,2np) 53 Co m Radioactivity 49 MeV 16 O beam on calcium Co m 245 ms half-life Proton
Discovery of 14 C radioactivity 1984 E-E telescope
Alpha-decay of Heavy Nuclei 1990 Geiger-Nuttall Plots
14 C dating Nature C 13 C 14 C 13 C modern old
The Oxford Microprobe 1986 p-induced X-rays
Magnetic Moments of Excited States F + 1 H 16 O * + 6.13 MeV 3 g 0.556(4) 0o0o 90 o 6.13 MeV stopped flight 19 F foilstopper 0o0o 90 o 16 O
MeV 20 Ne 16 O gs MeV Parity Violation
decay of 8 Li and 8 B: The Second-Class Current Problem B 8 Be * + e Li 8 Be * + e + second-class current g IT = 2.10 3 |g IT | < 7.10 4
8 B 8 Be * + e + + Solar Neutrinos
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Reactions in SNO -Good measurement of e energy spectrum -Weak directional sensitivity 1-1/3cos( ) -Measure total 8 B flux from the sun. NC xx npd ES -- eνeν xx -Low Statistics -Strong directional sensitivity CC - eppd e e only Equal cross section for all types All types but enhanced sensitivity to e
A Neutrino Event
Signal Extraction Results CC ES NC 576.5
SNO CCSNO NC Standard Solar Model flux 1/3 SSM SNO Results 10 6 cm -2 s -1
Flavour Oscillations Oscillations before SNO Combining All Experimental and Solar Model information after